Do you find yourself asking What Would Micheal Do?

Before you accuse me of being arrogant hear me out.

A friend of mine has a 2yr old (soon to be 3yr old) son. This friend of mine and I grew up going to Jr and Sr high together and for the most part we are just as close as we were then. I love his family and his little boy is adorable. I often get to talk with the little one over the cell phone while his Dad prompts him to “carry on a conversation” with me. Sometimes he goes on and on and sometimes he just says “Hi Mikey!” Love it!

BTW, this little boy is the one and only person who can get away with calling me Mikey. Don’t even try it.

While at his grandparents house this little boy somehow got a hold of a picture of me from high school. According to his parents he keeps this picture of me in a little box and pulls it out, talks with me, asks me what I’m doing, and then puts it away.

When I first heard this story I laughed. “How cute and how bizarre?” I thought. A thrill of emotion went through me as I beamed with pride over the idea that I am loved by this little boy.

But beyond being cute and sweet this little story serves as a great big reminder to me.

We are all being watched. You, me, everyone has little eyes and little lives looking to see how we treat them, treat others, and how we live out our worship to God.

Someone, somewhere right now is asking themselves the question WWYD? What Would YOU Do?

They may not have your picture in a box but they look to see how you react to difficulties in your life.

They may not see you everyday but they think about how you show your care for others.

They may not talk with you each week but they orient their priorities to the things that that are priorities in your life.

Hopefully, soon my own son will be here to look to me for guidance, to talk with me, to share with me, and to learn from me. I hope that the words that I say, the actions of my heart, and the pattern of my life is something that he and others can look to in order that they may understand more about the One that I serve.

May our rally cry be like Paul’s, not that people follow us to be like us alone, but that they follow our example because we are following the example of Christ. (1Cor 11:1)

To Him be the glory forever! Amen.