Song of the Year Tweets

I spent most of Friday on the road heading out to see family. As I rode in the back and listened to my iPod I posted a series of tweets about my favorite songs of the year. I had fun trying to condense my thoughts down to only 140 characters. Enjoy the tweets and leave me some comments about your favorite songs of the year!

Love Lockdown– Kanye, keep your live performances of this track on lockdown (see SNL) but keep releasing these heart wrenching and intense songs. I’ll keep buying.

Shadow of the Day– Linkin Park gets all sentimental and balladesque. Great song and a good hook

Say– John Mayer says what he needs to say… now go get his “Where the Light Is” LP.

Lost!– Coldplay’s second appearence on the list. Check out Lost+ with Jay-Z. So good. Viva la Coldplay! 11:48 AM yesterday from mobile web

American Boy– Hey Estelle. English sista it’s really really nice to meet ya.

Better in Time– No need to wait. Leona was pretty great from the word go. The best breakup song of 08

Pork & Beans– Dance to a happy tune while Weezer tells their record comp to suck it. Red is the new Blue.

Pocketful of Sunshine– This earful of sunshine will most definately take you away. Nat Bedingfield is my guilty pleasure.

I’m Yours– Jason Mraz manages to out Jack Johnson Jack Johnson. Summer all year round with this track.

I Will Possess Your Heart– the album version is an 8 min plea from a stalker to his obsession. A slow burn about smoldering love.

Live Your Life– I have a bit of an audio crush on Rhianna right now. Turn this to 11 and just Live Your Life: Hey!!!! Ohhhh!!!

Paper Planes– All I wanna do (blam, blam, blam)is put this song on repeat (click) and thug out. (ching!)

Who’s Gonna Save My Soul– the eternal question gets the deep soul slow jam treatment from Gnarles Barkley.

Viva la Vida– Jerusalem bells toll for thee. A lonely king roams his former kingdom in search of meaning and an elusive legacy.

Follow me on Twitter!

Merry Christmas From The Felkers

Hewson Christmas

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.” (Psalms 139:13-18 TNIV)

A very Merry Christmas to you all!!!

Micheal, Sandy, and Hewson (It’s a boy!)

From Theory to Practice

This is the second part of my lesson from last Sunday. Our church has been going through the book of Romans. I got to focus on Romans 12, my favorite chapter in all of Paul’s writing. Enjoy the second part of The Gift of Life.

From Theory to Practice
This brings us to Romans 12. Paul has spent the first 11 chapters telling us this good news- that life apart from God is death, that Christ brings us all – Jew and gentile, male and female, slave and free – the gift of life, and that we are now free to really live for Him. He has spent 11 chapters on the theory. In Chapter 12, Paul finally gets practical.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is true worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Therefore– There is so much theology wrapped up in this one word. Therefore, because of, in light of EVERYTHING that God has done, the history of his gifts, the grace he offers, the life he lived, the sacrifice that he made. Because of these… now this. The previous eleven chapters are summarized in this one word.

Offer your bodies as living sacrifices– God no longer requires the blood of bulls and goats to atone for sin. The innocent blood of Jesus met the requirement once and for all. Now our lives are to be lived out as an offering to God.

This is true worship– I have had my fair share of discussions with people about what worship is and what it isn’t. Unfortunately most of these conversations end with hurt feelings and cold shoulders and in reality they miss the point.

In scripture we see two words translated as worship.

proskuneo- “to kiss forward” , bow down
Anytime we see someone coming to Jesus for healing we see them in proskuneo worship. they are bowing, they are honoring.

The word that Paul uses here in Romans 12 is from latreuo. It means the duties or actions of one’s worship.

I believe Paul is telling us that Worship is not just an event. It is a lifestyle.

Tomorrow: We Love Our Proskuneo

The Gift

I had the chance to preach again yesterday. I don’t do it very often but I really enjoy sharing a message with the people of our church family whenever I get the chance.

I taught on Romans 12 and the Gift of Life, Jesus.

Since it is the week of Christmas I could let the opportunity of teaching a Christmas lesson pass me by. We’re taking off to Tennessee later this week so I want to post some of yesterday’s message with you here. These posts are from my teaching notes.

I hope that it helps you focus on the greatest gifts that we have been given- Jesus Christ and a new life lived by his Spirit. It don’t get much better than that.

The Gift of Life- Romans 12
We love giving gifts don’t we? Of course we do! I know the reason we love to give gifts- Genesis tells us that we are made in the image of God and He is a gift giver. In fact he is the ultimate gift giver. Scripture chronicles the great and mighty gifts that God has given mankind:

Life (that’s a biggie)
In the fall we deserved death but he showed his loving kindness
Saved Noah
Chose Abraham (To be blessed AND to bless the whole world)
Provided for Isaac
Renamed Jacob
Rescued the world from famine through Joseph
Repurposed the price of Egypt, Moses, and gave freedom to his people
The Law- knowledge of what is required
The promised land
Teachings from the Prophets

Finally God gave us himself through his son Jesus Christ. It doesn’t matter the date because Galatians 4 says,

But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer slaves, but God’s children; and since you are his children, he has made you also heirs.” (Galatians 4:4-7)

Do you see that? Do you hear that? God didn’t just send his Son for us. He didn’t just send us his Spirit. It wasn’t enough for God to just give us freedom. Scripture tells us that on top of all this God also adopts us as his own sons and daughters.

Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection were the ultimate gifs given to mankind.

From our human father, Adam, we received the gifts of sin, death, selfishness, murder, wrath, and spiritual poverty.

From our heavenly Father we have received life and resurrection. This gift of new birth and everlasting life is for all who wish to have it.

Tomorrow: From Theory to Practice

The Elephant in The Family Week 2

I got a ton of great feedback from readers last week that they were looking forward to this series of posts. Thanks to everyone who posted comments and left me info on more resources. Thank you so much.

I had planned on posting this earlier in the week but I was unable to do so. I am scheduled to preach this Sunday and I caught a bit of the crud this week. I am feeling much better today. I hope every one has a great weekend. Enjoy my teaching notes from last week’s class, The Elephant in the Family.

Week 2: The Message Has Been Tampered With
As a youth minister I’ve heard my fair share of questions that teens ask about dating, relationships, and sex? There are a handful of questions that I seem to get over and over.

How far is to far?
If you participate in oral sex are you still a virgin?
Can I sleep with someone even though we are getting married?
Is masturbation wrong?
Can I be forgiven for having pre-marital sex? If I go too far?

These questions make us nervous don’t they? They catch us off guard. Like me, some of you may believe you have the perfect answer to one or all of these questions but feel like your brain and you mouth struggle to synch up when speaking. The problem is that the Christian message of holiness and purity and devotion has been lost is a sea of indifference, secular culture, and fear.

The issue is that kids have questions and who better to answer them then their parents and the church. In that order. Based on our discussions from last week and our experiences most parents do not take the time to deal with these questions. Kids aren’t hearing from us in ways that they should.

What They Hear
Teenagers hear these messages about sex…

Parents say, “Don’t do it…”
The Church say, “Don’t do it because it is dirty, rotten, and shameful… so wait ‘til your married.”
The Culture say, “You should do it when YOU’RE ready…make sure to use protection.”

No wonder our kids mess up. There is no consistency of message.

Crisis Points
This inconsistency leads us to a handful of Crisis Points that everyone in society is concerned with.

Results of promiscuity
Instant Intimacy
Early Sexualization

“The Christian perspective is much more concerned for the whole person. Our focus is on the development of healthy values, being responsible for one’s actions, one’s relationship with God, and generally what is right and wrong. The Christian perspective deal with, to a greater extent, how we treat members of the opposite sex and our deeper moral character.” (22)

Parents Job Description

Role Model with Honesty and Integrity
Positive Peer Influence
Grace & Forgiveness
Something is better than nothing

It’s Official

March can’t come any faster! This is your warning- Over the next few months I will probably be a one topic pony. This is not an apology. It is just a warning.

No Line On The Horizon, the new studio album from U2, will be released on Monday 2nd March 2009. (Tuesday March 3 here in the States)

Written and recorded in various locations, No Line On The Horizon is the group’s 12th studio album and is their first release since the 9 million selling album How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, released in late 2004.

Sessions for No Line On The Horizon began last year in Fez, Morocco, continued in the band’s own studio in Dublin, before moving to New York’s Platinum Sound Recording Studios, and finally being completed at Olympic Studios in London.

The album calls on the production talents of long-time collaborators Brian Eno and Danny Lanois, with additional production by Steve Lillywhite.


Now if those in charge of the tour could schedule around the birth of my first born I would greatly appreciate it. Come to Dallas early spring or late summer guys. Just avoid the end of May/beginning of June. Pleeeeeeaaaaasssse!!!!

Productive Day

I got a whole lot of stuff done today. Sure I started my day an hour earlier but who’s counting?

One of the things I’m trying to do before baby arrives is to create a good deal of margin in my life. Things get so hectic and over scheduled in our world that most of us live edge to edge. In fact if we’re honest we tend to let things bleed over to the next page.

For me I decided that I wanted to be more purposeful in my time-management. I picked up “Time Management from the Inside Out” by Julie Morgenster, scheduled out the coming week in my planner, and then set about working my plan today.

If the rest of the week goes as well as it did today than I am well on my way to managing my time margin allowing me to be more strategic with my minutes and hours.

What helps you manage time most effectively?

The Elephant in The Family Week 1

Abstract grungeOver the weekend I kicked off a new class designed for parents called The Elephant in the Family. Our topic is talking with your kids and teens holistically- heart, body, mind, and soul- about sexuality and purity. I titled the class The Elephant in the Family because too often this issue of purity and sexuality hangs around our families and remains undiscussed and ignored. No longer I say! It is time that we do better for this generation. Let’s start by helping them honestly deal with these tough issues.

Each week I want to post my notes here on the blog as a way of helping as many people as possible. Tonight, I’m posting the notes I used to teach from. Check back later in the week for more resources.

I am basing the foundation of my class on Jim Burns’ book, Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality. This is a great primer on how to get the conversations about sexuality and purity started in way that seem natural and purposeful.

I am by no means an expert in this field and I am not parent (yet) but I do teach teenagers about purity and about what God thinks of their sexuality. I initially picked up this material to aid me in becoming a better teacher. As I read it, talked with other parents and youth ministers, and looked at my long term teaching goals for the year the opportunity to present this stuff to the parents of my teenagers became an opportunity I didn’t want to miss. I am so thankful and humbled by the families that were represented in the class this past weekend. I live in a great place at the intersection of teens and their parents. It is a Honor to serve them both. Hopefully, you too can use this material over the coming weeks.

BTW, Big thanks to the people over at National Community Church for making their Elephant In The Church Series open source. Their artwork and designs really help me settle on a theme and title for this class. You guys rock!

What We Are Up Against

In 2007, 48% of high school students had ever had sexual intercourse, and 15% of high school students had had four or more sex partners during their life. (CDC, June 2007)

Over half of the young people in America claim to have had oral sex by the age of twenty-two. The average age of the first Internet exposure to pornography is eleven years old.? 
In 2007, 39% of currently sexually active high school students did not use a condom during last sexual intercourse. (CDC, June 2007)

In 2006, an estimated 5,259 young people aged 13-24 in the 33 states reporting to CDC were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, representing about 14% of the persons diagnosed that year. (CDC, June 2007)? 
Each year, there are approximately 19 million new STD infections, and almost half of them are among youth aged 15 to 24. (CDC, June 2007)

Adolescents are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors, such as unprotected sex, when they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In 2007, 23% of high school students who had sexual intercourse during the past three months drank alcohol or used drugs before last sexual intercourse. (CDC, June 2007)

As worried and as sick as I am about these statistics about the physical tolls that our young people are taking in regards to their sexuality I am equally concerned with their mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

Why This Class, Why Me

Every year I try to address issues such as dating, sexuality, purity, and God’s desires for our lives with teenagers. I know that the best way to teach in these issues is to do in intentionally and to be prepared. I initially picked up Burns’ book, Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality to help me teach these lessons more effectively. As I read I became convicted that I needed to share this material with every parent I could. What I liked about this material is that it is clear, concise, and looks at sex education with the whole person in mind. It isn’t just about telling kids “Just Say No!”

Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality is about learning about God’s design for our sexuality and how to cherish it. It is about training ourselves for godliness. It is about keeping ourselves physically pure and mentally pure. It is about holiness.

This material calls for intentionally doing better for our kids and learning how to answer their questions using honesty and God’s word.

Teaching Your Kids

Jim Burns begins his seminars by asking parents the question,

“How many of you received healthy, value centered sex education from your parents growing up?”

He says that usually only 1 percent of the parents present will raise their hands.

Since this is the case here is what begins to happen: Because we didn’t have healthy conversations about sexuality modeled to us, we feel inadequate to have those healthy conversations with our children.

Or we don’t know when to bring up the subject and speak openly and honestly and in an age appropriate manner.

Or we are afraid that our teens are going to ask about our past experiences.

Too often these hurdles leave us being silent on the whole issue.

Discussion Question #2
How do you feel about the sex education you received (or didn’t receive) from your parents?

Healthy, Value Centered Sex Ed Defined

Most Church Sex Ed initiatives begin and end with drilling home to kids the importance of remaining pure until their wedding day. If we are honest, we want so much more for our children don’t we.

“We can help establish in them a lasting sexual integrity that starts at a young age and extends throughout their entire life, guiding their self-image, how they treat members of the opposite sex, and how they view and enjoy marriage, as well as how resolute they are to remain faithful.” (15)

So, for the purposes of this class when we say Value Centered Sex Education we mean Sex Ed that is based in what God values. When children understand and begin to live with the idea that God’s view of sex isn’t dirty and sinful but beautiful and a gift from God than they begin to value their sexuality in the same way.

Class Overview

Over the next few weeks we will cover the following during our time together:

Your role as Parent in teaching your child about sexuality
How and When to talk about sex in a way that is natural and intentional
Developing a theology of sexuality
Building a foundation for pure living
Rites of passages for your child to experience
Choices and consequences

I could spend the next three months working through this material chapter by chapter, cover everything mentioned here, and still feel like I only served you halfway. Again, I’m not the expert and the last thing I want to do is drone on about things that you may or may not care about. In an effort to make this class the best it can be answer the following for me:

What do you want out of this class? What do you want to see covered in this class? What is going to best help you and your family when it comes to building a foundation of sexual integrity for your children?


1) Read Chapter 1 of Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality

2) In his book, The Seven Checkpoints, Andy Stanley describes a point in his ministry where he began evaluating the effectiveness of what his teens were learning in youth group. He felt that up until that point his teaching and strategy had been fairly hit and miss. He wanted his teaching to be a laser beam of consistency and clarity so that the students in his youth group would have a greater understanding of who God is and what the Christian life looks like when practically lived out. In order to find these essential topics he began to ask the following questions:

If we could permanently imprint anything we want upon our students’ minds, what would it be?

What do they need to know? What is the irreducible minimum?

Now it is your turn. Take these two questions and in terms of your child’s education of sexuality begin to ask yourself what do you want to make sure that they know? What topics/information do you want to make sure that they hear about from you? Before they leave the care of your home, what is it that they need to know about God’s view of sexuality that will help them navigate the secular world outside?

In order to make this as relevant as possible write out a list of the 7 essential topics that you want your kids to know right now- this year- 2009- in order for them to have an age appropriate, heathy, value centered view of their sexuality. Be sure to do this specifically for each of your kids. You can use the list of suggested topics below to get you started (even more topics can be found on pgs. 79-81 of Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality). Be sure to bring your list to class next week!

Mighty to Save

Everyone needs compassion,
Love that’s never failing;
Let mercy fall on me.

Everyone needs forgiveness,
The kindness of a Saviour;
The Hope of nations.

Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.

So take me as You find me,
All my fears and failures,
Fill my life again.

I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in,
Now I surrender.

My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.

Shine your light and let the whole world see,
We’re singing for the glory of the risen King…Jesus

My Saviour, He can move the mountains,
My God is Mighty to save,
He is Mighty to save.
Forever, Author of salvation,
He rose and conquered the grave,
Jesus conquered the grave.

My Saviour, you can move the mountains,
You are mighty to save,
You are mighty to save.
Forever, Author of Salvation,
You rose and conquered the grave,
Yes you conquered the grave