Where I Got Hooked pt. 4

I’m out of pocket this week while we are on our mission trip in Kentucky. I thought a good idea for posting this week would be to share with you some of my favorite passages from the different books sitting on my desk. It is in these passages where I found myself being hooked by the ideas and concepts contained within their pages.

I hope that these quick takes will encourage you and connect with you in some way this week. Enjoy.

Today’s excerpt is from Mark Buchanan The Rest of God. This is from the chapter entitled, “Stopping to Find What’s Missing.”

And something in us dies. Too much work, the British used to say, makes Jack a dull boy. But it’s worse than that. It numbs Jack, parches Jack, hardens jack. It kills his heart. When we get to busy, everything becomes either a trudge or a scramble, the doldrums or sheer mayhem. We get bored with the familiar, threatened by the unfamiliar . Our capacity for both steadfastness and adventure shrivels.

We just want to be left alone.

One measure for whether or not you’re rested enough- besides falling asleep in board meetings- is to ask yourself this: How much do I care about the things I care about? When we lose concern for people, both the lost and the found, for the bride of Christ, for friendship, for truth and beauty and goodness; when we cease to laugh when our children laugh (and instead yell at them to quite down) or weep when or spouses weep (and instead wish they didn’t get so emotional); when we heard news of trouble among our neighbors and our first thought is that we hope it isn’t going to involve us- when we stop caring about the things we care about– that’s a signal we’re too busy. We have let ourselves be consumed by the things that feed the ego but starve the soul.

Busyness kills the heart.