Session V: The Creativity Challenge

Session V: The Creativity Challenge
Learn to be a good steward of your mind
Love God with the Left side (logical) and the Right (creative) side of your brain

There is a natural shift from Right to Left. When we learn something it begins in the right side- fun, mystery, new, exciting. As we become more familiar with the action it natural moves from imagination to rote behavior. From excitement to simply going though the motions.

Five ways to stay creative.
1) Cross Pollenate– Read like crazy. Read anything and everything. Master your domain but have the guts to move outside your comfort zone and learn something new and challenging

2) Do Recon– go to conferences, visit other churches, download multiple podcasts

3) Exegete Culture– the Athenian Approach (Acts 17)

4) Allow for Mistakes– learn to adjust and find the sweet spot

5) Notice Details– Anything says something about everything. 1% of what you makes 99% of the difference

Change of place + change of pace = change of perspective

Creativity is exceeding expectations.