Where I Got Hooked pt. 1

I’m out of pocket this week while we are on our mission trip in Kentucky. I thought a good idea for posting this week would be to share with you some of my favorite passages from the different books sitting on my desk. It is in these passages where I found myself being hooked by the ideas and concepts contained within their pages.

I hope that these quick takes will encourage you and connect with you in some way this week. Enjoy.

Our first passage this week is from chapter 1 of David Putnam’s Breaking the Discipleship Code.

I’ve learned that there is more to being a follower of Jesus than culture and behavior. It is easy to describe our relationship with God based on the works we do and the actions we take. It is even easy to assume that we are good Christians as long as we are involved in a local church, attend worship, engage in Bible studies and prayer services, tithe, and serve on a volunteer committee or two. If you are really honest, you know people who do all the right things but at the same time are some of the meanest people in the world. They lack fruit. Nothing about their life and character has anything to do with Christ.”