Category Archives: Collecting Experiences

My Murtaugh List

I started watching How I Met Your Mother on the recommendation of a friend last year after the writer’s strike. I love the way that friendships are presented on the show and I absolutely love how the show deals with getting older. The protagonists are all young 30 somethings dealing with growing up and moving forward through life.

On Monday’s episode the guys brought out their Murtaugh list- the list of things that they are now too old to ever do again. The idea for the list came from Danny Glover’s Det. Sgt. Roger Murtaugh from the Lethal Weapon series. In the films Murtaugh is always about one week from retirement when some crazy terrorist group of money-launders or dirty South African diplomats crop up to threaten his well-deserved R&R. His famous catchphrase was “I’m too old for this stuff!” (this is a PG site)

On How I Met Your Mother things like crashing on a friend’s futon, dying your hair a crazy color, and pulling an all nighter were all on the Murtaugh list. The episode was really funny and, of course, it got me thinking.

Today is my 29th birthday so I asked Sandy to help me come up with my own version of the Murtaugh list. I asked her what are some things that I am too old to do anymore. I sometimes still pull an all nighter- my recover time is a bit longer though. I still like going to concerts during the week nights- again recovery time is more of an issue. I still eat crazy mexican food without the help of Tums or Prilosec.

In some ways I’m still as young as I ever was. However, the bell tolls for everyone so I wanted Sandy to help me start a list before my memory starts to fade (joking!).

Here is what we came up with:
“I’m too old for this stuff.”

I’m too old… to forget which days the trash is picked up. (acc. to Sandy)
I’m too old… to drop clothes next to the hamper. (acc. to Sandy)
I’m too old… to keep sneaking “Black iTunes Cards” ($50, $100) into the shopping cart in the hopes that Sandy won’t notice. (acc. to Sandy)
I’m too old… Windows down. Sunroof open. Stereo blasting… In a school zone.
I’m too old… to shop at American Eagle.
I’m too old… for lava lamps.
I’m too old… to decorate our bedroom exclusively with Christmas lights.
I’m too old… to play crab soccer.
I’m too old… to forget toothpaste on a trip. (I never forget my toothbrush. Just the paste)
I’m too old… to “get” the Jonas Brothers.
I’m too old… to teach other drivers a “lesson” with my horn or deceleration.
I’m too old… for flip-flops.
I’m too old… to get anything pierced.
I’m too old… for the front tuck.
I’m too old… to take quizzes on Facebook.
I’m too old… to eat mexican food everyday for a week. (I’m pushing 3 days already)

Seriously though… I’m almost thirty. Most people go through life never out growing the really negative and immature things in life. As I get older I try (try, try, try) to get wiser and better with age. I haven’t learned much it seems at times but I have hung onto a few truths recently…

I’m too old… to hang onto grudges.
I’m too old… to argue with you.
I’m too old… for winning points.
I’m too old… to care whether they like me or not.
I’m too old… to care about getting the credit or the glory.
I’m too old… to keep up with the Jones… of anyone else for that matter.
I’m too old… to blame others for my shortcomings.
I’m too old… to waste time.
I’m too old… to wait for someone else to clean it up.
I’m too old… to avoid responsibility.
I’m too old… to remember how they slighted me.
I’m too old… to let others get me off my game by snide comments.
I’m too old… to waste any time fretting over past mistakes.
I’m too old… to give up on the future.

What are you too old for?

Here’s to getting old everyone! Have a great day and may your Muratugh lists- the funny ones and the real ones- be short lists!

Looking Forward

I am so excited about an opportunity I’ve been given. At the end of the month I’ll be teaching a seminar class at Harding University for the youth ministry department. My seminar will focus on weighing the differences between Campus Ministry and traditional Church Youth Ministry. I’ve titled the class Bringing the Big Man to Campus.

I am super excited about this. It has been a goal of mine to pursue opportunities in public speaking and teaching. This opportunity fell in my lap and I am running with it. One day I would love to travel and speak. I love inspiring people and discussing issues of ministry, leadership, and development. This is a chance to do something different and to work on my skills. This also lets me meet and interact with students who are about to set out and serve teens and their families. This is promising to be a great weekend.

Please keep me in your prayers as I am preparing to teach this class. I’ll be sure to post some content for the weekend here soon. Thanks for your prayers!

Mondays Are For Foundations

This week the plan is to post some thoughts on my new schedule. As I stated last semester (I’m the son of teachers, I’m married to a teacher, I am a minister to students- I think in semesters) I was stretched a little thin. The problem wasn’t that I felt overloaded. The problem was that I felt like my schedule was out of my hands. Years ago I wouldn’t have cared but now that I’m staring down a baby that is on its way and a busy summer schedule I knew I had to change something. I decided rather than to ride the wave with a “come what may” attitude that I would take the initiative and make the wave work for me. I sat down and marked down the have tos– the things that I must do or must accomplish each week. From there everything kind of fell into place. I found that in order to start of my week right I would have to make sure that Mondays Are For Foundations.

Each week I make sure that my Mondays are set aside for preparation, study, meetings, and planning.

Have To: Prepare for Teaching
As it now stands, I have to prepare for 4 separate teaching times- Sunday AM, Sunday PM, Tuesday Night, and Wednesday Night. If I don’t adequately prepare for these teaching times than I’m cheating everyone involved from my teens to their parents to myself and I am ignoring my calling to “preach the word.”

One thing that I learned to do years ago is to approach classes, sermons, and teaching times with a “series” mentality. That way I know what I’ve done, what I’m doing, and where we want to go. By laying out about 3-4 months at a time I can keep my eyes and ears open and prepare “on the go.” This allows me to shorten the actual preparation time for a single class or lesson because I (in essence) have been working on it for weeks. Example: On Sunday Nights I know that in February I’m teaching a month long series on Gospel and Culture and in April I’ll be teaching on the Holy Spirit. I already have pages of notes on each that I add to as I come across things or meditate on these topics. When it comes time to write out these lessons much of the leg work has already been done. It is like I’m sketching the rough outline now and then I’ll come back with the paint when it’s time to teach that lesson. Be prepared helps me be prepared.

Monday I lay the foundation for the week’s teaching times. I fully prep for Tuesday and Wednesday (I’ll spend time those mornings to tie up any loose ends) and I map out for Sunday. I will work/study on each class throughout the week but I really prep hard today.

I lay the foundation early so I can hit the ground building each Monday morning.

Friday Thoughts

This really has been a good week. Here are some of the highlights:

Schedule: As I stated last week, I’ve altered my schedule to make me a bit more productive and pro-active. Things went well. I found places to tweak and to change. Maybe my schedule can help you schedule. I’ll post on my schedule next week.

Reading: I finished 2 books this past week and started 3 more. I’m reading everything from theology to discipleship to Sesame Street. No fooling.

Practical Theology: I’ve been pondering this for a little over 2 weeks now- Read 1 Cor 9:19-23. Now, think of a specific issue in worship/ministry that causes arguments- you know, weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Next ask yourself, “Would Paul have encouraged _______________ if it would advance the gospel?” or “Would Paul have changed the tradition of ___________________ if it would have led someone to Jesus?” I believe that the answers to these questions has a profound impact on our practices. There’s you some light thinking for the weekend. You are welcome.

U2: Tons of new info out about the album. Rolling Stone & Q have song descriptions. Radio stations are saying that the new single will be out in the next two weeks. Bono is talking about “outdoor” shows and a tour beginning in June (He must have heard my request to avoid the due date of my forstborn. He such a stand up guy.). If only there were some album cover pics. Oh well. We can’t have everything we wish for. Check out all the new information at @U2 New Album Info page.

Technology: I’ve been asked to teach a Youth Ministry seminar in February. One of the sessions will be on “Using Technology in Ministry” I am looking forward to Bobby’s posts on Swerve on using mobile devices for ministry. Check out his quick Mobile Primer.

You: I hope you have a great weekend. See you on Monday.

Romans 12:10

“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”

This verse has really been on my heart lately. I listened to a podcast where the minister really drove home this idea of what it means to “outdo one another is showing honor.”

To him this meant doing the hard things not for your glory or for your pride but doing the hard things so no one else has too. This is completely different from serving because we know we should (guilt) or serving because we want to look good (arrogance).

He specifically mentioned working in the parking crew so that when it’s cold and rainy outside that you say to yourself, “I’m going to serve in the cold and the rain so no one else has too.”

When the Holy Spirit begins to give us this attitude then our zeal for serving doesn’t diminish.

So, where can you begin to serve those around around you with this attitude? Maybe it is cleaning the toilets. Maybe it is picking up trash.

Doing something so someone else won’t have to seems to me to be the essence of living sacrificially.

Let’s outdo one another in showing honor!

Concert Review: Matisyahu @ the Palladium Ballroom

Matisyahu 3 I had the chance to see Matisyahu in concert last night. This marked the third time I have seen his electric stage show and I loved ever minute of it. For those of you who don’t know about Matisyahu here is a one sentence bio:

Matisyahu is an Orthodox Hasidic Jew who blends reggae, rock, and hip-hop beats into some extremely awesome music.

There. That sums it up nicely.

In 2005 I was heading out on a long trip and the album cover to Live at Stubb’s jumped out at me. I grabbed it and then proceeded to wear my iPod battery out listening to this amazing artist blend reggae and rock with the Old Testament in ways deeper and more meaningful than ever. I have been hooked ever sense.

The concert was at the Palladium Ballroom in downtown Dallas. I had been told that the Palladium was a dive but I really liked the venue. It was in a sketchy part of town but the actual concert area was very nice. There was a great open space, no smoking, and friendly staff and security.

Matisyahu opened the set with L-rd Raise Me Up and captured the crowd with his unique sound. From there the show built to a fevered pitch as the band went through songs old and new. The band is working through a few new songs in anticipation of the new album due out in early 2009. They tried out So High So Low and Smash Lies from the recently released EP, Shattered, on the crowd to much fanfare. The new songs fit well into set and made me excited for the rest of the album.

Highlights from the concert include an extened versions of Jerusalem (Out of Darkness), Youth, Time of Your Song, Chop Em Down, and of course, King Without a Crown. They played for well over two hours. I (reluctantly) had to call it a night at midnight but the band was still going strong as I made my way to the parking lot. I’ll be interested to see a completed playlist to see what I missed!

I only paid $25 bucks for this show but after what I saw last night I was reminded that I will have to fork out a lot more dough the next time see him. Music like this doesn’t stay cheap forever.

I have already pre-ordered a recording of last night’s set from MatisyahuLive. If you sign up for the Matisyahu mailing list at MatisyahuWorld you can redeem a free song and a free concert. You definitely need to check this guy out. If you like what you hear get Live at Stubb’s, one of my Top 10 Albums of All Time.

Matisyahu 4

Matisyahu 6

Matisyahu 5

Matisyahu 6

Matisyahu 2

Divine Appointments and Convergence

A few years ago I was introduced to this idea of “divine appointments.” We’ve all experienced these in one way or another.

You know… when you just happen to meet someone going through a similar season of life that you are experiencing and your “chance” meeting brought clarity or encouragement.

Or when your plans get changed and in the midst of being frustrated and angry you realize that there was a reason your plans were changed- You missed something so-so and God provided an Oh-Wow.

Today I experienced the “divine appointment” in spades.

First I arrived at the Catalyst Labs still unsure as to whether or not I was going to purchase a ticket. As I walked in the door a guy asked me if I had a ticket. I kinda brushed him off thinking, “I can read the signs dude. I know where to get the tickets.” But the guy insisted. Turns out one of the people in his group couldn’t make it to the Labs and so I was suddenly presented with a ticket! Terrific I thought and I proceeded in to the Labs thinking I was only going to be able to catch the last few sessions. Nope. I was 20 minutes before the “Opening Session.” I hadn’t really missed a thing! For once it paid off getting to the airport before dawn!!!

Another concept that I have been working with recently is this idea I call “Convergence.” Convergence happens when I’m really listening and learning and connected to the Father. It is as if I have a heightened sense of spiritual hearing. I feel like God’s getting my attention when I start hearing things over and over and in different mediums. When this happens I get this sense that everything I’m reading, watching, hearing, conversing about all seem to “converge” together.

The only Lab I chose to go to was the first one. More on this is a second.

Lab Number One was taught by Scot McKnight, author of The Jesus Creed. His Lab was based on his latest book, The Blue Parakeet, a book about examining how we read and apply the Bible. As a youth minister (and semi-pro-semi-amateur Bible scholar) this subject is a pretty important aspect of my life. However, just in the past month I have been wrestling with the short-comings I have perpetrated and the vision I want to put forth for teaching teens how to read their Bibles in a way that naturally leads to living out that Good News. That is exactly what Scot’s lab was about. Sha-zam!

For Lab Number Two I kinda got squeezed out of my preferred Lab so I settled into a familiar named author’s class. I have read Reggie McNeal’s This Present Future and Practicing Greatness so I though that I would see what he had to say. First off, the man is funny. I mean real funny and with a slightly warped Office-like-awkward-pause-kind-of delivery. Secondly, the man knows his stuff. His topic was to speak on his new book but he disregarded that subject to focus on his last book. He laid out the 7 Practices from Practicing Greatness spending the bulk of the time (read: all) on Practice 1, The Discipline of Self-Awareness. I am working through a 60 day self-leadership study right now. What reggie had to say is echoed in this book I’m working through and the notes I took seem to be a perfect supplement to walk me through the next part of the study. Weird huh?

Finally, I experienced a divine appointment and convergence in Lab Three. Thankfully, the space time continuum stayed intact.

I chose my speaker and subject for Lab Three, found my seat, settled in and then… I different speaker walked onto the stage. Now, I knew who this guy was and I was fine with the switch but I hadn’t chosen to listen to him speak. I chose the guy that hadn’t shown. As this speaker began his talk he looked out into the audience and said, “Some of you didn’t mean to be here. But God has set you up for a divine appointment.” Whah!?!?!?!

The speaker then went into a pretty detailed exegesis of Genesis 1-3: the creation and fall of man. Last Sunday Genesis 1-3: the creation and fall of man was the subject of my Sunday school class. I got some great questions from my teens and I got some good feedback but I felt like I left some questions unanswered. This Lab went a long way to help me work through some of their questions. Awesome!

I am so thankful that God had some divine appointments scheduled for me today. What a blessing!

More Catalyst to come.

ACL Friday and Saturday Pictures

I had such a great time at Austin City Limits this year! All in all I saw about 20 full sets from bands that ran the musical gambit from screamo to folk. Here are some pics from Friday and Saturday.

This is the first view of the park I saw as I arrived on the scene Friday afternoon. So much music, so little time.
Endless Possibilities

I left ACL last year as Bob Dylan played on the AT&T stage. The first artist I saw at this year’s ACL was his son, Jakob Dylan, playing on the AT&T stage. “ingonyama bagithi Baba, ingonyama bagithi Baba- It’s the Circle of Life…”
Jakob Dylan

Next up was Jamie Lidell. He closed his set with his hit “Multiply.” Very Motown, very hip.
Jamie Lidell

M. Ward put on a great show. The tent was packed so this was the best shot I could get.

The Jenny Lewis show was my favorite part of Friday. I play her song “Rise Up With Fists!!!” all the time. My wife hates that song. I love it. Like M. Ward, the tent was full and she put on a very entertaining show that had her playing guitar and piano. The set reminded me of last year’s favorite Grace Potter and the Nocturnals.
Jenny Lewis & her guitar

I'm Tired

Scottish Rock
The Fratellis on the blue room stage

CSS is a band from Brazil. They had a song featured on the iPod Touch commercial. Music is my (Not So) Hot, Hot Unitard

Robert Earl Keen’s road went on for just an hour and the party ended right before John Fogerty.
Robert Earl Keen

I almost missed John Fogerty. He played a ton of CCR songs and had the entire audience singing along. Great set and the man’s still got it.
John Fogerty2

Giant Bunny

Robert Plant and Allison Krauss was the show to see on Saturday night. Some guy named Beck was on the other side of the park but who cares. Allison Krauss has the voice of an angel and Robert Plant kept his shirt on. They sang an awesome reinterpretation of Zeppelin’s “Black Dog” that I absolutely loved. Great seats. Great songs. Great Night.
Krauss & Plant On Stage

Robert Plant1

Perfect Duet

Krauss & Plant Mysterious

The Batcave, aka The Nerdery

Much like Superman’s Fortress of Solitude, the Batcave serves as a place of privacy and tranquility where Batman can be himself. – Wikipedia

When I need to get away and do some focused hard-core study for a class or a lesson I pack up all my gear – my notebook, Bible(s), book(s), iPod, pens, and highlighters – and head straight for my new, secret getaway. This place serves my needs because it is away from my desk, it is always quiet, and I avoid distraction from email or phone calls. I call this place of privacy and tranquility…

The Batcave

This top-secret photo was snapped during my last visit and smuggled off the premises on my iPhone.

So where is the Batcave? I’ll never tell. However, I will spill the beans on what the Batcave is.

The Batcave is an annexed room next to my local comic book shop. The room is often used by groups of people play fantasy games like D&D, Warhammer 40K, and World of Darkness. It’s official name is The Gamers Guild.

That’s right I study at The Nerdery. But as you can see from my picture, in the middle of the afternoon no one is playing anything. The room is almost always completely empty. The people at the comic shop are so cool and so kind to let me use this area to study. I am so thankful to them. Every employee there has teated me so kindly. I love my new study-home.

It is so quiet there that I feel like my productivity quadruples. I just throw on my iPod (or don’t) whip out my pen and notebook and go to town crafting lessons. Very awesome.

Sure, there is no supercomputer or trophy room filled with the spoils of past lessons or retreats and there definitely is no Batmobile waiting in the wings (I do have a black car though) but this Batcave suits me just fine.

Until next time readers. Same Bat-channel. Same nerdy writer.


I finished my model ’69 Camaro Z/28 late Tuesday night. I have yet to take photos of the finished product but here are some more pics of the building process. I really had a great time. I spend a lot of my time studying and writing so this was a nice change of pace. It isn’t every day that I get to build something with my hands. I finished well but I think I can do even better next time. Mustang maybe?

I sure am glad that I spent all that time on the fan and the fan belt. Whew!

Over the weekend there were some classic Camaros parked down the street from the church building. The owners refused to let me flip one on its side so I can only assume that this looks correct. They had no respect for authentic pursuit. Jerks.

Cleanest. upholstery. ever.

I am actually proud of the small detail on the dash of the silver Camero emblem that I managed to paint. I almost wept I was so proud. Almost.

I spray painted the first coat in my real garage. For some reason my wife freaked out when I started prepping the kitchen table for an impromptu spray painting area. I’m only kidding. I never prep anything.