Session II: The Vision Challenge

In session 2, Jud Wilhite of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas spoke about the need to stay on mission and to keep our people focused through vision casting.

People need to know where they are going. Over time people/churches drift. Mission —> Memorial —> Monument —> Mosque

They start On Mission. They know their purpose, why they are there. There is excitement, mystery, and challenges. They are on fire and gung ho for the mission at hand.

Then comes a time where the church moves to a time of Memorial. The past was effective and we memorialize past victories. We celebrate the past and ignore the future.

Next comes the Monument phase. This old church is now a monument to the past. Nothing has changed for years and there is no growth. I think of the great church buildings in Europe.

Next is the Mosque phase. Jud explained that he added this phase after a prominent older baptist church closed its doors and was purchased by a Muslim group and turned into a mosque.

The point is that without vision the mission dies.

Vision can unify or divide and that’s ok. People must choose between being 100% on board or moving on.

Vision Challenges:
A) Clarity of Vision– clarity is more important than inspiration
clarity in words, practices/ there is no excuse for your people to not know what the specific mission of your church is

B) Vision Consitency– Jud says that about every 30 days he is teaching/praching/reminding his people who they are and what the vision/goals of the church is

Think through applications —> How can the church as a whole apply the lessons & how can individuals personally apply the lessons —> this naturally leads to vision

C) Culture of Vision– is your church a cruise ship or a battle ship?

Cruise ship– On cruise ships people are served. They are not asked to do anything, sacrifice anything. Activities are presented to them. Behind the scenes few serve the many.

Battle ship– All hands on deck. Working together for a common mission. Training, recruiting, brotherhood, victories, adventure.

“You will have to talk about vision 1000 times more than you think you will have to.”

Vision Q & A
How do you serve under a (self-described) non visionary leader?
Gene Edwards- A Tale of 3 Kings – Which king are you? Saul, David, Absolem?
2 options- stay or leave. There is no option 3.

How do you know your vision is from God? Visioneering resources.
Read like crazy & pray like crazy. This keeps you sensitive to the Spirit of God. Pay attention to the matrix around you- the people, your passion, the timing. Ask yourself, “What am I compelled to do?”
Resources: Visioneering by Andy Stanly; Holy Discontent by Hybels

How do you bring clarity to your vision?
State of the Church address each January (at least once a year)
Ask, “What’s the next step?”
Personally stay fired up about the vision.