
The day has finally arrived. It’s Election Day.

Millions of us will go to our local polling stations to cast a vote for either President Barak Obama or Governor Mitt Romney today. I know it seems that this campaign season has been going on for the last 3 years but in a few hours (maybe more) the decision will be made. One man will lose. The other win win. This means…

Your guy will win… or he will lose.

My guy will win… or he will lose.

Here is the conclusion I’ve come to over the last few months: It does’t matter who the POTUS is because Jesus is my KING. I don’t serve the President, I serve the Christ. Regardless of who wins, God is in charge and his Son is on the Throne.

In 1 Timothy 2:13 (ESV), Paul tells the church, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

When Paul penned these words to Timothy, Nero was the reigning Emperor in Rome.

Nero– the guy who virtually started the wholesale slaughter of Christians.
Nero– the guy who set fire to the city so he could build a bigger house.
Nero– the guy who probably killed Peter.
Nero– the guy who probably had Paul executed.

Paul urged that the church stand before a holy God and humbly beg on behalf of this Emperor. Paul urged that the church stand before a holy God and pray for this Tyrant. Paul urged the church to stand before a holy God and intervene for this Monster. Paul urged the church to stand before a holy God and offer thanksgivings in spite of everything that this Despot did.

I’m convicted.

Neither Barak Obama nor Mitt Romney are Nero by any stretch of the imagination. Both of these men are loving husbands and fathers. Both of these men have dedicated their lives to public office. Both of these men are facing an uphill battle come tomorrow morning.

Paul urges me to offer “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings.. for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”

I have not always done this in the past. I have been pretty politically aware and involved since that late 80s. Some of the candidates that I have wanted to see win have won and some have lost. I’ve been able to vote in the past 4 Presidential elections and yet, despite knowing this passage, I’m not sure I can say that have lived out this command from scripture.

I know that many people have been praying and fasting for this election. Many leaders urged their people to fast for the 40 days leading up to the election. While I have been praying for the outcome of this election, I am feeling a pull to be diligent in praying for whatever happens in the 1461 days that follow.

Regardless of who wins tonight, I want to more intentionally and consistently be praying for our leaders by name. It is easy to pray for the men and women that we like, but we aren’t called to what is easy.

So here’s my plan:
Starting tonight a 12am Midnight, I will be fasting from soda for the next 40 days. I want to encourage you to find something to fast from and invite you to join me in standing before a holy God on behalf of whom ever is the President of the United States tomorrow morning.

I’ve always been told that every vote makes a difference. As I’ve grown older, learned about the electoral college, and thought about how many people live in Texas, I’m not so sure I buy in to that anymore. However…

I do believe that every PRAYER makes a difference. 

God heard the cries of the Israelites. God heard the prayer of Daniel in his closet. God heard the laments of David in the caves out in the wilderness. God heard the prayers of the early church. God heard John as he was imprisoned on a lonely island. Every PRAYER makes a difference.

Regardless of who wins tonight… let’s make a difference!

Be a L.E.A.D.E.R.

As Leaders in the church, often times people will come to us with prayer requests, personal issues of pain and heartache, struggles with sin, and stories of broken relationships. How can you make the most of these opportunities and offer a listening ear, open arms, and feet that are willing to walk with them through the valley toward the hope and healing offered us by Jesus Christ? One way to do this is by being a L.E.A.D.E.R. Below I’ve listed some of the steps that you can take as you help others process through the pain and guide them to the promise of hope and healing.

LISTEN- One of the most powerful actions you can take as a leaders is to simply show up and be present when someone comes to you with a pain, problem, or point of issue. Often times, they won’t remember the words you say as much as they will remember your presence. In order to simply listen and be present, remove distractions out of your mind, look them in the eyes, and give them your full attention. Instead of making statements, ask questions. Repeat back what they have said as a confirmation to them that you have been listening. Remember, James says that we are to be “quick to listen, and slow to speak.” (James 1:9)

EMPATHIZE- When someone comes to you with a problem or personal issue it is important that you show them that you understand and actually feel the pain and frustration that they feel. Be genuine, offer compassion, and be sensitive to their situation in order to strengthen the connection between yourself and them. Since we live in a fallen and broken world, much of the struggles, pain, and heartache that people share with you will be self-inflicted. That is when you can come in, listen to their pain, and express grace rather than judgement. Sin does need confrontation and correction but that can come at a different time.

ASSIST- Often times, someone shares something with you because they are looking or reaching out for help. Notice that this step is called ASSIST and not ADVICE. We are often too quick to offer up unsolicited advice or suggestions when what the other person really needs is your assistance in recognizing the issue and crafting a plan of action in order to begin moving forward. Before you tell them what you would do or what some talking head on television suggests, pause and ask, “What can I do you help you?” or “What do you need from me?” Their response to those questions will help you know and meet the real need at hand.

DIRECT- Discipleship and life-transformation starts with an understanding that something is terribly wrong with the way that we are living life apart from God. We must acknowledge that we are in pain because of sin– self-inflicted or inflicted upon us. We experience the beginning of transformation when we move to repentance before God. When sin is involved, whether it is anger, pride, pornography, an unforgiving heart, or jealousy, we must help people acknowledge their sinfulness and then point them to the hope of the Gospel. We have hope in Christ Jesus because there is no sin too small or too large that his blood doesn’t cover. His tent of forgiveness is big enough for anyone to enter. God’s grace forgives us and can also empower us to live a new, holy life. After repentance, we must move to believing that God can really change us and we must seek the scriptures and pray that God will give us a plan for change. As leaders and pastors we must direct people through this process. If someone has given you permission to walk with them through this season of repentance and grace, you can help them by pointing them to scripture, praying with them, offering resources, or connecting them with others that can assist them through this recovery. 

ENCOURAGE- In his closing remarks to the church in Corinth, Paul ends his second letter by saying, “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” (2Cor 13:11) It is our duty as brothers and sisters in Jesus to encourage one another as we are being restored to the men and women that God would have us be. Sin is a powerful force that goes about derailing lives and crushing spirits. The good news is that Jesus is greater and more powerful. The good news is that we are not alone. The good news is that grace is offered us in an ever increasing measure. The good news is that we can encourage one another and be encouraged. After someone shares with you a secret sin or a frustration or heartache do not walk away from them or fail to follow-up. This can be one of the hardest steps because we often do not know what say. If you find yourself not knowing how to follow up, simply remind the person that you love them, you believe in them, and that you are praying for them. 

REFER- Memorize this phrase: “Know when to refer.” Again, “Know when to refer.” Just because someone has shared with you a dark secret, a personal struggle, or has expressed a spiritual doubt to you doesn’t mean that you are the right person to walk them through all of the steps needed for recovery. We can listen, we can encourage, and we can pray but we must never believe that the success of someone’s overcoming and recovery is dependent upon us. We are only one part of how God works through the life of those we lead. Influences come from many areas and many sources. You must know when you are no longer able to offer the kind of help that is needed to move toward recovery. There are other professionals and individuals that are supremely qualified to help people take steps closer to recovery. You must know when to refer these individuals to people more qualified to handle their situation. You are not abandoning others when you refer them on. You are actually helping them by pointing to better resources and more specialized care than you can offer.

Top 10 Quotes from Catalyst

Attending Catalyst in Atlanta is a little bit like drinking water from a firehose– here is so much coming at you that it is almost overwhelming! Thankfully, I always purchase the audio sessions from the event so that I can listen to each of the messages again.

I tell people that, for me, Catalyst is a slow burn. Other events or conferences send me home with a new technique or a new curriculum or a new trick that will practically benefit my ministry today. Catalyst is different.

Catalyst does something deep inside of me where thoughts and ideas are ruminated on, processed, and developed over time. As I have thought back over all the leadership goodness I was able to feast on last week, there a few thoughts and ideas that have continued to settle deep inside of me. It is these quotes that have been pushing on my heart and it is these quotes that have arrested my imagination in the quiet and still moments of my day. God is using these thoughts to mold me, change me, and to #MAKE me into the leader he desires me to be. It is my hope that one or all of these will hit you where you are today.

You were MADE to #MAKE a difference.

1) “The greatest thing you do as a leader may not be what you do as a leader but who watches you do what you do.” – @AndyStanley

2) “Your response makes all the difference in the world and is the thing that will determine how God will use you.” – @AndyStanley

3) “”Any organization that wants to make a difference in anything it does must be healthy.” – @PatrickLencioni

4) “Don’t be in a Party. Be a party!” –

5) “‘NO’ simply means ‘Next Opportunity.'” – @MarkBurnettTV

6) “It is better to be MARKED by God than to be MARKETED by men.” – @ChristineCaine

7) “We’re told to go and make disciples, but we often just sit & make excuses.”- Francis Chan

8) “God will never be handcuffed by your failure or unleashed by your successes!” – @JonAcuff

9) “When we realize that only God is good and our real enemy is Satan, we can make history for the glory of God!”- @craiggroeschel

10) “Don’t blame me.” – Geoffrey Canada


This week I’m starting a new sermon series entitled, WEIRD, based on the book by Craig Groeschel. The message is one that I think everyone needs to hear and I am excited to share it with our church body over the coming weeks.

We spend a great portion of our lives pursing what we perceive as normal. We want the cushy job, the big house, the perfect wife, and extra-ordinary children. We want the fast car, the corner office, and the dream vacations. We spend countless hours and tons of money working to achieve these things so that we will just like everyone else. The problem is that in the pursuit of normalcy we are paying a heavy toll.  

Most of us feel like we are no longer in control of our time and schedules. Others dictate where go, when we need to be there, and how much of our time they will consume. As a result, most of us feel overworked and burned out. Normal isn’t working.

Did you know that average household credit card debt is well north of $15,000? As some one smarter than me has said, “We spend money that we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like.” Ain’t that the truth! For too many there is too much month left at the end of the money. Normal isn’t working. 

I once read that the average marriage in the US lasts 8 years. I have underwear older than that! Unfortunately, marriages often die long before the divorce is official. Many people start off their relationship with their spouse with a lot of heat and passion and hopes and dreams. However, after too many unmet expectations and a lack of communication many couples never make it the finish line together and instead opt out emotionally, physically, and relationally. Normal isn’t working.

As for our other relationships, most of us struggle to feel connected to real deep and meaningful friendships. We drive into our garages, shut the door before we exit the car, and hang out alone in our backyards (or air conditioned homes- I live in TX). We are an isolated and lonely generation with more digital acquaintances than genuine friends engaged in life together. Normal isn’t working.

The good news is that you were not designed to have a normal life. God doesn’t call you to live like the rest of the world. He empowers you to live like His Son, Jesus Christ.

You aren’t supposed to be Normal. You’re invited to be Weird.

Jesus tells us that there are people that pursue normalcy and where that path leads. He said, “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” As plain as he can say it, Jesus tells us that the pathway to a “normal life” ends in pain, heartache, and difficulty. Thankfully, this warning comes with hope.

Jesus tells us there is another way.

“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

There is a road that leads to life. It is a bit out of the way. This isn’t a highway or boulevard. It is a hidden trail leading away from where everyone else is headed. This road isn’t to be taken lightly. If we choose this road it might feel uncomfortable. To take this road choices have to be made and changes have to occur. But at the end of this narrow road… there is… life.

One road leads to an unsustainable pace and burnout. The other to intentional living and soul-giving rest.

One road leads to crushing debt and an unsustainable life style. The other leads to financial peace and the ability to bless others.

One road leads to broken marriages, families torn apart, and a generation suffering from the emotional fallout. The other leads to One-ness, unconditional love, and a marriage that displays the love of God to all who see you.

See, Normal isn’t working.

It’s time to be Weird.

Vision- The WHY

A few years ago, the board of directors for a small but growing chicken restaurant named Chick-fil-a met to decide the future direction of their organization. One group argued that the way to growth would be rapid expansion into new parts of the country. Some argued new menu items would cause the company to gain more of a market share. Still, some made the case for flashier commercials and giveaways in order to make Chick-fil-a a bigger company. The founder, Truett Cathy, sat there and listened to the arguments going back and forth across the conference table. He then began to bang his fist on the table in order to get everyone’s attention. When the room became quiet and with all eyes on him, the oldest man in the room simply said, “When we get better, we’ll get bigger.” With that, Chick-fil-a set out to become a better company in order to become a bigger one.

Compare that to Kentucky Fried Chicken or KFC or whatever they are calling themselves these days. It seems like every 6 months, Colonel Sanders and friends roll out a new marketing strategy or flashy new menu item or new remodel in order to attract customers. One ad cycle may show the chain becoming a heath food alternative with the next cycle tapping into the “homestyle-back-in-the-day” nostalgia that Kentucky Fried Chicken had back in the day. KFC seems to have be suffering from a identity crisis.

Much of these differences in marketing, strategy, and focus come down to the Mission of each organization.

On the KFC website, you will see that the company has a mission statement. It says:

KFC is the world’s most popular chicken restaurant chain, specializing in Original Recipe, Extra Crispy, Colonel’s Crispy Strips and Honey BBQ Wings, with home-style sides and freshly made chicken sandwiches. Since its founding by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952, KFC has been serving customers delicious, already prepared complete family meals at affordable prices.

Through this statement, KFC makes it clear that their main focus is delivering chicken products to customers. It even goes so far as to list its main menu items in their mission statement. If you’ll remember, Harlen Sanders believed that Kentucky Fried Chicken existed to serve Original Recipe chicken and only Original Recipe. After he sold the company, he raised quite a stir after the new organization announced a new item- Crispy Chicken. The chicken has always been the focus of KFC.

Now, look at Chick-fil-a’s Mission Statement from their website:

Be America’s Best Quick-Service Restaurant

Chick-fil-a makes it clear that their main goal isn’t to simply sell chicken but to better serve people.

Just a glance at their respective homepages shows that KFC highlights products and Chick-fil-a highlights people. Neither one of these is right or wrong but they will have a direct effect on how each restaurant operates. An organization who holds serving people as their highest value will focus and behave differently than an organization that focuses on serving innovative products.

When it comes to determining what an organization wants to do and the best way to do that, they must first answer the question, “Why do we exist?”

If the answer is “We exist to serve chicken.” than offering many chicken options, highlighting new chicken products, changing your signage, and reminding people about your history of selling chicken will be the type of choices and behaviors the organization will exhibit in order to achieve their goals.

If your reason to exist is to serve people than you might make sure that your employees are trained to be friendly and encourage behaviors such as helping families by delivering the food to their table. You might make sure that the dining experience is fast, clean, and efficient. You might make sure that your menu is streamlined so that when people order they can do so quickly and easily.

If you’ve been to either one of these restaurants recently you know that each one has a distinct style and atmosphere. These things are directly due to the mission and vision that each organization is pursuing.

In his book, Start With Why, author Simon Sinek says that often times organizations struggle with getting their people to understand the vision or to buy into what the organization is trying to accomplish because leaders focus more on WHAT needs to be done and HOW it will be accomplished. Sinek argues that leaders must first get their people to understand the cause, the belief, the mission – the WHY behind it all.

(Set aside 18 minutes in your schedule today in order to watch Simon Sinek’s TED talk: How Great Leaders Inspire Action)

If we are going to lead healthy organizations that are actively making a difference in the lives of our people than we must identify the underlying reason WHY we exist in the first place. Once we understand the WHY, then we can move forward with the mission. Once the people you lead understand the WHY, than they will gladly join you on that mission.

Mission Lazarus Day 8

This week I’m at Mission Lazarus in San Marcos de Colon, Honduras. During this time, I will be, for the most part, completely offline. Our team will be building a house, distributing food, teaching children, and serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. While I am away, I want to ask you to pray for our team. Below is a little info on what we will be doing today and a few prayer prompts that you can pray for us. Thank you in advance! Have a great week!

Saturday, July 28
The team leaves for home today and arrives back at DFW.

PRAY for God to speak to each team member today as they reflect on what has taken place.
PRAY for others at home to be blessed by the reports from this trip.

Scripture to Pray:
“Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man’s behalf! Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives, and kept our feet from slipping” (Psalm 66:5, 8-9).

Mission Lazarus Day 7

This week I’m at Mission Lazarus in San Marcos de Colon, Honduras. During this time, I will be, for the most part, completely offline. Our team will be building a house, distributing food, teaching children, and serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. While I am away, I want to ask you to pray for our team. Below is a little info on what we will be doing today and a few prayer prompts that you can pray for us. Thank you in advance! Have a great week!

FRIDAY, July 27
The team will pack up and leave Mission Lazarus. They will spend the night in the capital city of Tegucigalpa.

PRAY that the team would find words to share their experience.
PRAY that God would deepen the lessons that He has taught them.
PRAY that their hearts are being prepared to return home.

Scripture to Pray:
“Lord you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us” (Isaiah 26:12).

Mission Lazarus Day 6

This week I’m at Mission Lazarus in San Marcos de Colon, Honduras. During this time, I will be, for the most part, completely offline. Our team will be building a house, distributing food, teaching children, and serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. While I am away, I want to ask you to pray for our team. Below is a little info on what we will be doing today and a few prayer prompts that you can pray for us. Thank you in advance! Have a great week!

Thursday, July 26
The team follows a “typical” daily schedule, going wherever they have been scheduled. This will be the last day the team works in San Marcos de Colon.

PRAY for the team to be encouragers to one another as well as to the local people they are working with.
PRAY for “divine appointments” by God with people He has for them to meet.
PRAY for their safety as they move about.
PRAY for God’s Spirit to encourage their hearts in what He is doing in Honduras.
PRAY for lasting fruit, both seen and unseen, and that God would remind them of the seeds they are planting.

Scripture to Pray:
“For the kingdom of God is…righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men. Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification” (Romans 14:17-19).

“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sewer and bread to the earth, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth.. It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. For you shall go out with joy, and be led in peace…” (Isaiah 56:10-12).

“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive…as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom” (Colossians 3:12-16).

Mission Lazarus Day 5

This week I’m at Mission Lazarus in San Marcos de Colon, Honduras. During this time, I will be, for the most part, completely offline. Our team will be building a house, distributing food, teaching children, and serving as the hands and feet of Jesus. While I am away, I want to ask you to pray for our team. Below is a little info on what we will be doing today and a few prayer prompts that you can pray for us. Thank you in advance! Have a great week!

Wednesday, July 25
The team follows a “typical” daily schedule, going wherever they have been scheduled.

PRAY for unity on the team.
PRAY for discernment on where to explore open doors.
PRAY for endurance through the work and schedule.
PRAY for opportunities to pray with those who are open.

Scripture to Pray:
“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity. It is like precious oil poured on the head” (Psalm 133:1-2).

“Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Hebrews 13:15).

The Goal Is Soul