
The day has finally arrived. It’s Election Day.

Millions of us will go to our local polling stations to cast a vote for either President Barak Obama or Governor Mitt Romney today. I know it seems that this campaign season has been going on for the last 3 years but in a few hours (maybe more) the decision will be made. One man will lose. The other win win. This means…

Your guy will win… or he will lose.

My guy will win… or he will lose.

Here is the conclusion I’ve come to over the last few months: It does’t matter who the POTUS is because Jesus is my KING. I don’t serve the President, I serve the Christ. Regardless of who wins, God is in charge and his Son is on the Throne.

In 1 Timothy 2:13 (ESV), Paul tells the church, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

When Paul penned these words to Timothy, Nero was the reigning Emperor in Rome.

Nero– the guy who virtually started the wholesale slaughter of Christians.
Nero– the guy who set fire to the city so he could build a bigger house.
Nero– the guy who probably killed Peter.
Nero– the guy who probably had Paul executed.

Paul urged that the church stand before a holy God and humbly beg on behalf of this Emperor. Paul urged that the church stand before a holy God and pray for this Tyrant. Paul urged the church to stand before a holy God and intervene for this Monster. Paul urged the church to stand before a holy God and offer thanksgivings in spite of everything that this Despot did.

I’m convicted.

Neither Barak Obama nor Mitt Romney are Nero by any stretch of the imagination. Both of these men are loving husbands and fathers. Both of these men have dedicated their lives to public office. Both of these men are facing an uphill battle come tomorrow morning.

Paul urges me to offer “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings.. for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”

I have not always done this in the past. I have been pretty politically aware and involved since that late 80s. Some of the candidates that I have wanted to see win have won and some have lost. I’ve been able to vote in the past 4 Presidential elections and yet, despite knowing this passage, I’m not sure I can say that have lived out this command from scripture.

I know that many people have been praying and fasting for this election. Many leaders urged their people to fast for the 40 days leading up to the election. While I have been praying for the outcome of this election, I am feeling a pull to be diligent in praying for whatever happens in the 1461 days that follow.

Regardless of who wins tonight, I want to more intentionally and consistently be praying for our leaders by name. It is easy to pray for the men and women that we like, but we aren’t called to what is easy.

So here’s my plan:
Starting tonight a 12am Midnight, I will be fasting from soda for the next 40 days. I want to encourage you to find something to fast from and invite you to join me in standing before a holy God on behalf of whom ever is the President of the United States tomorrow morning.

I’ve always been told that every vote makes a difference. As I’ve grown older, learned about the electoral college, and thought about how many people live in Texas, I’m not so sure I buy in to that anymore. However…

I do believe that every PRAYER makes a difference. 

God heard the cries of the Israelites. God heard the prayer of Daniel in his closet. God heard the laments of David in the caves out in the wilderness. God heard the prayers of the early church. God heard John as he was imprisoned on a lonely island. Every PRAYER makes a difference.

Regardless of who wins tonight… let’s make a difference!