
This week I’m starting a new sermon series entitled, WEIRD, based on the book by Craig Groeschel. The message is one that I think everyone needs to hear and I am excited to share it with our church body over the coming weeks.

We spend a great portion of our lives pursing what we perceive as normal. We want the cushy job, the big house, the perfect wife, and extra-ordinary children. We want the fast car, the corner office, and the dream vacations. We spend countless hours and tons of money working to achieve these things so that we will just like everyone else. The problem is that in the pursuit of normalcy we are paying a heavy toll.  

Most of us feel like we are no longer in control of our time and schedules. Others dictate where go, when we need to be there, and how much of our time they will consume. As a result, most of us feel overworked and burned out. Normal isn’t working.

Did you know that average household credit card debt is well north of $15,000? As some one smarter than me has said, “We spend money that we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like.” Ain’t that the truth! For too many there is too much month left at the end of the money. Normal isn’t working. 

I once read that the average marriage in the US lasts 8 years. I have underwear older than that! Unfortunately, marriages often die long before the divorce is official. Many people start off their relationship with their spouse with a lot of heat and passion and hopes and dreams. However, after too many unmet expectations and a lack of communication many couples never make it the finish line together and instead opt out emotionally, physically, and relationally. Normal isn’t working.

As for our other relationships, most of us struggle to feel connected to real deep and meaningful friendships. We drive into our garages, shut the door before we exit the car, and hang out alone in our backyards (or air conditioned homes- I live in TX). We are an isolated and lonely generation with more digital acquaintances than genuine friends engaged in life together. Normal isn’t working.

The good news is that you were not designed to have a normal life. God doesn’t call you to live like the rest of the world. He empowers you to live like His Son, Jesus Christ.

You aren’t supposed to be Normal. You’re invited to be Weird.

Jesus tells us that there are people that pursue normalcy and where that path leads. He said, “Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.” As plain as he can say it, Jesus tells us that the pathway to a “normal life” ends in pain, heartache, and difficulty. Thankfully, this warning comes with hope.

Jesus tells us there is another way.

“But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

There is a road that leads to life. It is a bit out of the way. This isn’t a highway or boulevard. It is a hidden trail leading away from where everyone else is headed. This road isn’t to be taken lightly. If we choose this road it might feel uncomfortable. To take this road choices have to be made and changes have to occur. But at the end of this narrow road… there is… life.

One road leads to an unsustainable pace and burnout. The other to intentional living and soul-giving rest.

One road leads to crushing debt and an unsustainable life style. The other leads to financial peace and the ability to bless others.

One road leads to broken marriages, families torn apart, and a generation suffering from the emotional fallout. The other leads to One-ness, unconditional love, and a marriage that displays the love of God to all who see you.

See, Normal isn’t working.

It’s time to be Weird.