Getting My Lead On

I am so excited about starting two new leadership books this week.

First up is Bill Hybel’s latest offering entitled, Axiom: Poweful Leadership Proverbs.

Axiom basically is a collection of “lead-speak.” Hybels opens up his leadership glossary and gives the reader a glimpse into the small but potent words and phrases that he and the Willow Creek staff use to get things done. Hybels breaks these proverbs into 4 categories: Vision and Strategy, Teamwork and Communication, Activity and Assessment, and Personal Integrity. Each category is filled with 15-20 bite-size chapters based on a different leadership principle. You begin to get the idea behind Axiom just by studying the chapter titles. In fact some of these leadership principles are made plain and clear by the title alone. Who doesn’t understand the truth behind titles such as “Never Say Someone’s No For Them,” “Pay Now, Play Later,” and “Speed vs. Soul”? Hybels always brings the heat so I can’t wait to delve deep into the leadership goodness.

The second book I’m excited about is It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It by Craig Groeschel. Craig is the founder and senior pastor of and he is one of my favorite leadership voices out there. The thing I admire so much about Craig and the LifeChurch leadership is how open and inviting they are into their process. I have been privileged to sit and discuss with them over two meals and I have walked away each time blessed in some capacity. They rock!

I have been excited about It because Craig’s desire to build leaders and to equip them to lead is the sole focus of this book. Look for a few updates and summaries of this book as I read It.

My challenge for you is to Get YOUR lead on!

Everyday is a new day for you to step up and lead where ever you are. If you’re a teacher, a bus driver, a mailman, a lawyer, a mechanic, a soldier, a minister, or a student you are called to lead. Let God guide you and strengthen you.

Get YOUR lead on!