Category Archives: General

New Host

I know that the site has been down for a few hours but, we’re back baby! Yeah!

I have moved to a new web host. WebbleYou is the best solution for Kicking at the Darkness. Justin, the guy that brings you WebbleYou, also created the wordpress theme that you see before you. Great prices, quick turn around. It costs $4 a month and you need to supply only one urine sample. That’s it!

If you are looking at moving from blogger or you just want a great web site, WebbleYou could be your best solution too.

To Whom It May Concern

This is the letter I sent to Harding in response to their decision to disinvite Ann Coulter to speak on campus. This decision came after weeks of discussion in the blogosphere and on campus. Thankfully, the adminstration heard the cries of those who disagree with the way Ms. Coulter approaches those with whom she disagrees. I, for one, am glad to see that Ms. Coulter’s hateful arrogance is not welcome at Harding University.

My name in Micheal James Felker and I am a 2003 graduate of Harding University. On August 22, 2005, I wrote to you asking that you please reconsider bringing Ms. Ann Coulter to campus as part of the 2005-06 American Studies Institute’s Distinguished Lecture Series.

I wanted to write you again to say thank you for reconsidering. I know that you must have received dozens of emails, countless phone calls, and many letters concerning this issue. You listened to them all (although some were likely more harder to listen to than others). Dr. David Burks, once again, showed how true leaders should operate. I know that Dr. Burks works hard to make Harding an exceptional university. I believe that this decision is an example of that vision. The rest of the leadership at Harding deserves a round of applause for their willingness to hear from their stake-holders.

I know that this decision was made after much prayer and much disagreement. I know that it was not an easy decision to make but I am grateful that the administration took the time to re-evaluate and to listen to the concerns of others. I am proud to be a Bison!

Thank You.

Micheal Felker
Campus Minister

You can read more about the decision and how bloggers helped make the difference here in an article from the Daily Citizen. Thanks to Greg and J.A. for pointing out this article.

Good On Ya, Harding University!

Hannah sent me an email this afternoon telling me that Harding has changed the speaker line-up for their ASI Lecture Series. She recieved this email from her mother, an HU employee:

“The administration has re-evaluated its decision to include Ms. Ann Coulter in the 2005-2006 American Studies Distinguished Lecture Series. In lieu of Ms. Coulter’s presentation, the university has extended an invitation to Jose Maria Aznar, the former president of Spain. He has accepted our invitation, and his presentation will be Feb. 14.”

I knew that Harding would do the right thing.

By the way, the right thing isn’t to agree with me. Even if they had issued a statement saying that they had re-evaluated the decision and felt that Ms. Coulter should still come and speak, I would have felt appeased. I wouldn’t have agreed with them but I would have felt like we were listened to. I would have felt like my letter ended up on a desk and not in the wastebasket. It is good to know that the administration listens to its constituents. Way to Go!!!

Now it is time for us to do the right thing.

I challenge everyone who wrote or called or complained about this issue to send a letter of thanks to the University. Thanks for listening, thanks for hearing, thanks for doing the right thing. I’ll write mine tonight and post it here tomorrow.

I love Harding and I want the best from her and I expect the best from the people who walked her halls.

Kicking at the Flabness

That’s Right! I am officially a fat sack of crap. If you will, please take note of the new addition to your left of your screen. It is my crummy little way of holding myself accountable as I begin to try taking better care of myself. Although I am unhappy with my weight I am more concerned with my sedintary lifestyle. I really don’t eat that bad. I like salads and veggies. I rarely eat dessert because I HATE cake and pies. My big problem is Coke and Dr. Pepper (Oh sweet Dr. Pepper I love thee so!). I am cutting my sugar intake and I am working out.

So check back and see my progress. I’ll update my weight about every two weeks. And I’ll keep a running count of my miles each week.

Pray for me as I begin refurbishing my temple.



Last week, Harding University announced its list of guest speakers for the American Studies Institute. On that list were two lightning rods for controversy, Zell Miller and Ann Coulter. By week’s end, the blogospere was a buzz with auguments and conversations about this unfortunate descision.

Looking back (recent and distant events) I was unaware of this extreme bias coming from my alama mater (more on that in a later post). Sure, I knew that HU was pro-America (pro-Democracy) and conservative which put them in line with the Republican party and Christian conservatives. Ever since old man Benson came back from China the University has been heading in that direction. Even the non-University activites that take place are highly rah-rah democratic events: Bays and Girls State, Leadership Forum, etc. But I can’t help but feel that this decision has gone too far.

I just don’t know how seriously to take this decision. On one hand I know that there are many, many people who see this as a proud step to make. They see this man and woman to be strong conservatives and believe that they hold the same values that they do. On the other hand, I can’t help but see this move as merely a PR decision to get the University some press time. I almost can’t believe that it is anything but this: A cheap move to make money. The men and women that run ASI can’t think that this is a great move beyond the bottom line of making money with hot conservative celebrities. They just can’t.

All this to say (ramble) that I am frustrated by this decision.

More said and said better at the following sites:
Greg Kendall-Ball
JA Wiser

You Can Go Home Again

Last Wednesday I drove to Dallas for the wedding of one of my best friends. I was honored that he and his new bride asked me to help preform the ceremony with another friend. The wedding went off with out a problem. There were some great “poinient” moments within the service along with some funny ones.

As the wedding party was exiting after the service, my co-minister leaned over and in a hushed tone said, “Great job!” I replied, “Like budah!” Yeah, our mics were still on! Thankfully, his wife said that the music covered up our conversation!

At the reception I was able to catch up with a handfull of high school friends. Everyone looked beautiful and handsome (respectfully) and they all seemed to be doing well.

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend.

New Car


Well, we got a new car last week. It is a Scion tC and it is quite a bit smaller than my truck was (That was the idea). The color is called Black Sand Pearl and in the sun it looks midnight blueish. It gets about 30 mpg on the highway so instead of paying $50 dollars a tank, I’ll pay $25. The Scion comes with a standard sunroof/moonroof, CD player, AC, power windows and locks, keyless entry and the tires and rims are stock. I had my eyes set on a Mini Cooper S but this had everything I wanted on the Mini plus the added room for $6,000 less. I’ll break it in properly as I drive to Dallas on the 3rd. A twelve hour road trip is exactly what the doctor ordered.

No, really. I am going to Dallas to officiate a wedding for a dentist.

For more pictures, click on the photos or the link above the iPod.


New Look

I’ve been tinkering with a new WordPress theme created by Justin. It is called Radical Congruency 2005 and can be downloaded here. I really love the look and it is extremely functional. Good on ya Justin!

Let me know what you think about the new look.


Wrapping It All Up

We had a great time in the Lone Star state last week. We were able to spend a lot (but still too brief) time with my friends and family. I am co-officiating a wedding for two friends in August so we spend a good deal of time at wedding hooplas oooh-ing and aaah-ing at gifts. We gave the couple a “blessing.” All of their friends and family gathered around them preaying for their future and offering advice and marital wisdom. Sandy and I have been married the longest out of all my peers. We have a whole year on everybody else! More on this wedding as the date approaches.

We caught a Ranger game last week. The Red Sox crushed the Rangers! Let’s-Go-Red-Sox!

Our trip back took a mere 12 hours to complete. We are now in the “path of destruction” for Hurricane Dennis. The highway was clogged with fleeing Floridians. Let’s pray that this all blows over.

Nothing else to report. I’m heading to Searcy, AR on Monday night for an administrator confrence (a.k.a Snoozefest 2005). I will be able to see my sister and brother-in-law. And one of the presenter’s was my advisor in college. It won’t all be bad.
