Kicking at the Flabness

That’s Right! I am officially a fat sack of crap. If you will, please take note of the new addition to your left of your screen. It is my crummy little way of holding myself accountable as I begin to try taking better care of myself. Although I am unhappy with my weight I am more concerned with my sedintary lifestyle. I really don’t eat that bad. I like salads and veggies. I rarely eat dessert because I HATE cake and pies. My big problem is Coke and Dr. Pepper (Oh sweet Dr. Pepper I love thee so!). I am cutting my sugar intake and I am working out.

So check back and see my progress. I’ll update my weight about every two weeks. And I’ll keep a running count of my miles each week.

Pray for me as I begin refurbishing my temple.


6 thoughts on “Kicking at the Flabness”

  1. Good luck Micheal! I think posting your progress on your blog is a great idea for holding yourself accountable. Way to be brave.

    On another note, Don Miller was awesome the other night. He’s a lot funnier than I thought he’d be. You’ll really like hearing him.

  2. I’m right there with you buddy.

    I left Harding a svelte 175 in 2002. Today I am about 20 pounds over that, depending on what day it is. Just last night I talked with Sara about cutting red meat and soda from our diets. It’s the late night Dr. Pepper (how can you read 190 pages of systematic theology or churhc history without it?) and snacking that’s done me in.

    But, thinking about the future, wanting to be around for my kids, etc., I realized I need to work on it now.

    I probably won’t post my weight or miles, but I’ll be supporting you!


  3. Way to go Micheal! I too let my weight slip up since leaving Harding. I started working out daily at the gym this past February and I have never felt better! It’s nice seeing the fat come off the body and be replaced by muscle! Best of luck man. The first three weeks are the hardest while you establish a workout routine. Hang in there and you’ll do just fine. Chad

  4. Michael,

    I was at 228 on June 1 when I decided to do something about it. Two and a half months later, I am at 207!

    What I did was watch my intake, especially after dinner. Sugar free desserts. Learned to like Fresca. Played full court basketball for 90 minutes every week.

    Good luck with your program. I’m sure the first week or two will be the toughest, but your a tough guy.

    Brett Perkins
    San Antonio

  5. Thanks for all the encouragment guys!

    About a year ago, I was running/walking 3 or so miles a day. I was eating right and feeling great. I got sick and fell off the wagon. I like feeling good. It is better than feeling bad, right?

    I started in earnest last night. I got up this morning at 5 and ran. So that makes 2 days of working out. I’m on a roll.

    Thanks again for the encouragement. It means the world to me.

  6. I did it too… lost 15 lbs in two months… cut soda, drank tea and water instead… i would treat myself to a cherry limeade every now and then… cut WHITE breads… only wheat, and eat only one bun with your burger or sandwhich… and NO FRIED FOODS… YOU CAN DO ITTTTTT….

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