
Last week, Harding University announced its list of guest speakers for the American Studies Institute. On that list were two lightning rods for controversy, Zell Miller and Ann Coulter. By week’s end, the blogospere was a buzz with auguments and conversations about this unfortunate descision.

Looking back (recent and distant events) I was unaware of this extreme bias coming from my alama mater (more on that in a later post). Sure, I knew that HU was pro-America (pro-Democracy) and conservative which put them in line with the Republican party and Christian conservatives. Ever since old man Benson came back from China the University has been heading in that direction. Even the non-University activites that take place are highly rah-rah democratic events: Bays and Girls State, Leadership Forum, etc. But I can’t help but feel that this decision has gone too far.

I just don’t know how seriously to take this decision. On one hand I know that there are many, many people who see this as a proud step to make. They see this man and woman to be strong conservatives and believe that they hold the same values that they do. On the other hand, I can’t help but see this move as merely a PR decision to get the University some press time. I almost can’t believe that it is anything but this: A cheap move to make money. The men and women that run ASI can’t think that this is a great move beyond the bottom line of making money with hot conservative celebrities. They just can’t.

All this to say (ramble) that I am frustrated by this decision.

More said and said better at the following sites:
Greg Kendall-Ball
JA Wiser

8 thoughts on “Frustrating”

  1. Zell Miller seems much more appropriate to me then Ann Coulter. After Zell left the GA governor’s mansion but before he became a US Senator he taught at my alma mater- Emory University. Emory was dominated by liberal speakers (while anyone remotely conservative who had half a brain was absent) so complaining about two conservatives seems a little humorous to me actually. Anyway I guess my point (that I’m obviously not making) is that every school has its own extreme. Very few ever actually find a good medium. Especially schools that are as extreme in their practices (and their underpinning beliefs) as schools like Emory and Harding regardless of their claimed neutrality. My two cents …

    By the way I’ve enjoyed your site Mike, very impressive.

  2. EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD IS ABOUT MONEY AND PUBLICITY. This is why Jesus’ teachings are so ANTI everything in this world. Who cares? Accept the decision for what it is, maybe Harding will loosen up. . . MU HU HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  3. John-
    Thanks for stopping by.

    I know every school has its own bias and its own political slant. I am just saddened that Miller and Coulter can speak from the Benson stage and some godly men and women who are considered “controversial” inside the brotherhood cannot. You’re right that Miller is somewhat better than Coulter but Miller shot himself in the foot on Hardball and became a caricature. I understand that he was disillusioned by going to Washington and I can understand his anger but he did not further his case by turning purple and challenging Matthews to a duel.

    John, I love politics. I lean more right than left when it come to politics but I just think that Coulter and Miller are full of anger and spit victriol all over their enemies. I would feel the same if it was Michael Moore or even Bill Donohue of the Catholic League. It is the same reason I can’t listen to Air America for more than 30 min and I can’t take Hannity when he is interveiwing soemone (I do listen to both): Hate and anger are the deathblows to freedom and understanding.

    I wish Harding would realize that Coulter and Miller are not “Mission Appropriate.”

    Thanks for stopping by John.

  4. I just sent the following email to the university:

    To whom it may concern-

    My name in Micheal James Felker and I am a 2003 graduate of Harding University. I love Harding University and I bleed black and gold. I want to see Harding flourish and grow in its mission to engage the hearts and minds of its students and faculty. This past weekend, I was saddened to learn that both Zell Miller and Ann Coulter have been invited to speak on campus as part of the 2005-06 American Studies Institute’s Distinguished Lecture Series. I am saddened not because I disagree with Ms. Coulter or Sen. Miller but because these two individuals are not mission appropriate for Harding University. Both Sen. Miller and Ms. Coulter are featured guests on such talk show as “Hannity and Colmbs” and “Hardball with Chris Matthews.” I use the term “talk show” loosely because these shows are nothing more than televised arguments with the thin veil of news draped around them. These shows are entertaining but do not stand for anything substantive.

    Both Sen. Miller and Ms. Coulter use hyperbole to degrade and spew vitriol at their opponents and those with whom they disagree with. Again, I do not often disagree with their political stance but I do disagree with the way that they speak. Hate and sarcasm have no place within the walls of Harding University. These behaviors do not engage the hearts and minds of students and faculty. If anything, they make a mockery of what Harding stands for. Christian conservatism and Christ-likeness are not always the same thing.

    If I had one wish, I would wish to see the administration and those who scheduled these two speakers reevaluate their decision against the mission of the school. Sen. Miller and Ms. Coulter may indeed be nationally known speakers and their presence on Harding’s campus may bring a lot of press and attention to this little school in the Ozarks but at what price?

    Again, I love Harding University. I want her to be a beacon of truth, honor, service, and love. Please reevaluate this decision.


    Micheal James Felker
    Campus Minister

  5. Micheal, I think your letter to the University is the correct approach. I was saddened on Friday, not so much about the speakers, but that I got on a trail of blogs that were little more than rants about how wrong Harding has become.

    Harding is after-all a SCHOOL. It is not the church. And while it does hold values that make it similar in mission to a body of believers, it is still an academic institution where politics determine who teaches what, who has what size of office, ect… ad naseum…

    To hold Harding to a higher standard just because the school is associated with the church of Christ… I don’t know… it seems to hard for the school to live up to.

    I am proud of you for going directly to the school and voicing your concerns. I hope the other people offended by the decision to invite the speakers follow your example.

  6. Daisha-
    Thanks for the encouragement. I too work at a christian school- I understand the difference between a school and the church. I feel pressure to be the church and do things exactly like the church would them but it ain’t always gonna happen. It is a hard road to hoe. I expect the school to act in accordance with its mission. These two speakers and Harding’s mission do not seem to match. Again, I am politically conservative (I’m more politically conservative than church conservative for crying out loud) but Coulter and Miller are the exact same as Franken and Moore.

    As for the trail of blogs (some I linked to when I came across them others I have removed since originally publishing the post) I was saddened by them as well. Some comments and posts were written by alumni from other schools who (almost) spoke with a condescending and sarcastic tone. It is easy to throw stones when you don’t have a dog in the fight.I felt like many of them were using the same kind of blanket statements that Ms Coulter uses. Someone close to me always bashes or rips on ACU, that person is ignorant of what goes on in Abilene. I tend to lend less credence to those kind of people.

    On my blog, I have a quote from my favorite philosopher Bono. Here is a man who has worked with them all. The right, the extreme left, the extreme right, the moderates, the whoevers and all for someone else, Africa. He says, “Don’t respond to caricature- the Left, the Right, the Progressives, the Reactionary. Don’t take people on rumor. Find the light in them, because that will further your cause.” I have to believe this and live this out for myself. That goes for Ann Coulter, the blogs, the University, you, everybody and me. Growing up is tough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. Micheal,

    Thank you for the information and the wonderfully worded letter to the Harding Administration. While I feel that ASI speakers are not necessarily in the same category of inspirational or Christian speakers (their messages are different), I do think that ASI speakers should be held to a certain stantard. A few questions to consider.

    Does Harding really want to put Sen. Miller and Ann Coutler on a pedistal of people contributing to students? What would a parent of a prospective student think if they were to watch either of the ASI speakers on Hardball or Hannity & Colmes? Does Harding really endorse these people and their values?

    Bottom line, whether you agree or disagree with the views and politics of Sen. Miller or Ann Coulter, the way in which they present themselves is not something a university that prides itself on its Christian foundation should be supporting.

    I know another alumus has written a letter to the Harding Univeristy administration, has there been any word on a alumni petition? That I will sign.

  8. Scott-
    You’re right. ASI speakers are different from “inspirational” speakers in their content and you are right to say that they should be held to a high standard. Some could argue that Miller might meet that standard but Coulter doesn’t.

    Different ideas have been circulating around the blogosphere about how to best protest these speakers (mostly Coulter). Everything from picketing the event to taking an ad out in the Arkansas Gazette. Picketing the event, in my eyes, is a BAD idea. It only takes one Homer for the event to turn into Springfield on Whacking Day. Mob mentality does something strange to people. I wouldn’t mind throwing some money into an ad. The Gazette and the Christian Chronicle have been metioned. Even the Searcy Advertiser was mentioned!

    I have heard that the emails and letters, respectfully written, have been received well. I would just do that for now.

    I love Harding and want to see her shine brighter in the future.

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