Definition of a Worship Leader

I’ve been reading through Bob Kauflin’s great primer on worship leading called Worship Matters. I have been reading at a Berean-pace so I’ve been in it for a few weeks now. I really like Kauflin’s writing style and his desire to lead others in worship come across as clear and concise.

Kauflin has come up with this working definition of a worship leader…

A faithful worship leader
magnifies the Greatness of God in Jesus Christ
through the power of the Holy Spirit
by skillfully combining God’s Word with music,
thereby motivating the gathered church
to proclaim the gospel,
to cherish God’s presence,
and to live for God’s glory.

This is a definition I can get behind. Can we please move beyond the idea that a worship leader is merely a song leader? Throughout the week I want to unpack Kauflin’s description.

For right now though… What would you add to this description of a worship leader? What would you take away?

Fighting a Cold

Man, I have been hit by colds twice in the last month. It doesn’t help that the weather around here goes from an ice storm to beach weather in a matter of a few days. I started feeling funny Friday, felt terrible Saturday, felt somewhat better Sunday, and feel over the hump today. Still, I’m coughing and sneezing more than I care too. I just want to be healthy and well. Pleeeeassse!

How about you? Has the winter season given you the gift of forced rest? How do you get over your colds?