Old Glory vs. The Glory

I’ve talked about Tony Campolo on here before. In fact, the YSNYWC class I attended in the story I wrote yesterday was taught by Dr. Campolo. Jordon Cooper had an exerpt from a news story about Camoplo posted on his site. This section reminded me of another tale:

Campolo also objects strongly to churches becoming too patriotic. “We have reached a stage of idolatry when, in any given church in America, you’re going to run into more trouble if you remove the American flag than if you remove the cross,” he told church leaders, according to Christianity Today.

About a year ago I interviewed for a youth ministry position at a church in Dallas. During the interview the search committee told me that they were committed to strengthening their ties with the Hispanic congregation that meets in the chapel of their building. They told me that they were having difficulty making inroads with the Hispanics joining the whites in the main assembly. I thought to myself, “Man! I wish we could make that happen. I wonder what the hold up is.” Sadly, I admit that in my mind I was a little upset at the Hispanics for for what I saw as not trying.

Sunday morning, after I taught class, I walk into the main auditorium. No banners, no crosses, no visuals except for a big American flag sitting on the stage next to the baptistry.

When I mentioned that maybe the reason the Hispanics were “slow” to join the main assembly was because of the red, white, and blue I got a lot of funny looks. I was told, “No, they came to this country for a better life. They should be proud to see the flag.” I suggested that they might think about putting a Mexican flag on stage as well. More stares. Angrier stares.

Long story short, I don’t work there.


5 thoughts on “Old Glory vs. The Glory”

  1. Hey Felker! This is Chad Gardner from the good ole days at HU. We were in Chi Sigs together and I think I was a couple years older than you?? Anyway, I just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say “Hi.” I’ve bookmarked it, so I’ll be back daily with more comments in the future! God Bless, Chad

  2. Chad-
    What’s going on man? Of couse I remeber you! How’s life? Things are pretty good with me and my wife. Thanks for stopping by. You’re welcome anytime!
    Peace, Felker

  3. What I don’t understand about that is how can you go running to save people of other ethnicities, demographics, etc. when you’re not saving YOUR OWN. I’ve been burdened with this lately as a minister at our church asked us to help out with a apt. complex ministry where we minister to underprivelaged, da da da, which OF COURSE there is nothing wrong with. But isn’t it a little more of a testimony to save your peers? Just a question.

  4. It all comes back to an us and them mentality. WE know the way because WE have rationally broken down the gospel, studied it correctly and have exclusive knowledge of the truth. THEY can’t speak English, THEY are poor (so they obviously have yet to hear the gospel), and above all, THEY are different.

    WE have to save THEM. Our friends don’t look like THEM. Our friends look like US. Friends watch the same shows, laugh at the same jokes, make the same amount of money as US. There is no need to save US. WE have to save THEM.

    When we heard Jesus say “Go and make disciples of all nations,” we heard “Make sure you reach out to dark skinned people.” Was that too harsh? We read those words with 20th century (yes 20th century) Western Anglo AMERICAN eyes. Different is bad. Different is ignorant. Therefore We must fix them and show them the way, The American Church way. How many missionaries have struggled because the church they plant in New Guinea looks nothing like the sponsoring church in Oklahoma City? How many of them have lost funding when a team of elders from the States visit?

    My guess is that some Hispanic churches that are planted by White churches are primarily set up as a means to evangelize these new semi-Americans. After the Hispanics have been “evangelized,” I would be willing to bet that many in the planting church want those Hispanics to worship with the “real Church.” “Big Boy Church” if you will. Big Boy Church is done right. Baby Church is for those Hispanics (Or insert your minority group here) who are new. It is ok to worship there when your learning but someday THEY need to graduate and move up with US. Again, too harsh?

  5. Hey man. The whole Ann Coulter anouncement got me leap frogging through the blogs again and I landed on yours. I’m still in Abilene, yet not really sure what to do with my life. Funny what a few years of Grad School can do to you. Anyways, I’d love to hear what’s going on in your life and let you know why i may be in school for another… oh… decade or so. Feel free to drop by my blog too, I gaurantee purely unnecessary prose on totally unnecessary topics. I figure there are enough people saying smart, reflective stuff.

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