Top 5 Opportunities YOU Have TODAY

On the ride in this morning, I was listening to January’s Catalyst Podcast interview with Seth Godin. Seth was discussing his latest book, Linchpin, and said something that caught me ear and captured my imagination.

In the middle (your day to day work activities), people say, “Uh, it’s just my job.” They are grumbling about the way they were treated, they’re not getting paid enough, they don’t like their customers, they don’t like their parishioners. “Uh, this is stupid. Blah, blah, blah.”


You say, “This is my platform. This is the one and only chance I get to do today. What am I going to do with this platform? This opportunity?”

So, today is YOUR day.  You have 24 hours to impact today and today alone. What are you going to do with today?


  1. Worship: You have an opportunity to worship God and to live for Jesus Christ today. Take a moment (this moment) to stop and pray, think and honor, worship and praise the God who created the entire world and who knows you inside and out. Right now, I have been living inside the powerful and profound Revelation Song. The lyrics quote the song of the living beings in Revelation 4 & 5: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty- who was and is and is to come.” You have an opportunity to WORSHIP today through the work that you do and through person who are. How will you worship in the midst of your day to day?
  2. Lead: I’ve been thinking a lot about the leadership legacy I want to leave. A legacy comes from developing other leaders to take your place. I once heard that the goal of leadership is to work yourself out of a job. Today you have an opportunity to LEAD. Who are you leading today?
  3. Learn: We live in an incredible time where information is readily available and often free to access. Leaders are learners. Are you learning today? What lessons are being offered to yu today through books, podcasts, conversations? You have the opportunity to LEARN today. Are you taking advantage of the lessons around you?
  4. Serve: Imagine how your day would go if you approached every email you wrote, class you prepared for, phone call you made, text you sent, and every conversation and activity by asking, “How will this serve this person?” of “How does this best serve these people?” You have an opportunity to SERVE today. Do you have the attitude of Jesus (Matthew 20:28; Philippians 2:5-11) when it comes to serving those in your care?
  5. Connect: I have a list of 10 connections that I try to make each and everyday. I got the list from the book 99 Thoughts for Youth Workers by Josh Griffin. Making connections is what life and ministry is all about. Each day I try to take time to connect with God, my family, a student, a friend, and my philosophy. You have the OPPORTUNITY to connect today. How are you doing making connection with God and with others? What are some other important people or things you need to make connections with today?

You have all sorts of opportunities today. Make the most of these opportunities. Worship for today. Lead for today. Learn for today. Serve for today. Connect for today.