
Yesterday someone asked me what I do during the day.

It is the question every youth minister gets asked at least once a quarter.

I told this person that my schedule varies from week to week but sometimes I study, I prep for classes, sometimes I work on the schedule or budget, I call retreat centers, I meet with other ministers, I visit schools, I watch band competitions, I visit students after surgery, I make teaching plans, I walk bookstores to glean ideas… I guess I do a little bit of everything each week.

Case in point: Today I built chairs.

I built 30 chairs for the youth room at church. On Monday a student and I drove to IKEA and purchased the chairs. It took us so long to drive to Frisco and back that we were unable to assemble the chairs then. We left them in the youth room over night and this morning I went to work at putting them all together. It took me the better part of the afternoon to finish them all but I got it done. Check out my photo essay of my day.

BTW, if anyone needs a hex key give me a call. I have 30 of them.

Let's Get Crackin'

Opening the Box



Almost Finished

30 Fresh Chairs


Bible study, curriculum building, relationship growing, and now chair building. Ministry is the wildest job on the planet. I live for this stuff!

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