1st Grade

While not my favorite U2 album, The Joshua Tree‘s place in rock ‘n roll history cannot be denied. The album as a whole works everytime you put it on. Never fail.

Streets. Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For. With or Without You. Bullet the Blue Sky.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Four strong offerings right off the bat. Their not done yet.

Running to Stand Still. Red Hill. In God’s Country (My Fav). Wires. One Tree Hill. Exit. Mothers.

Seven of the most underrated U2 songs ever recorded which also happen to be seven of the best songs that U2 has ever recorded. Every time I listen to Joshua Tree I eagerly anticipate the big breath of Running immediately following Bullet the Blue Sky. Sublime.

On Tuesday, The Joshua Tree was re-released for a 20th Anniversary Re-mastered Box Set including the album (re-mastered), a rarities disc, and a DVD concert from 1987. I have never heard this album sound so good before. The re-master is great but the real gem in the concert DVD. While not as big and ZooTV and nowhere near as gaudy as PopMart the band is tight, the set list is perfect, and the 80’s fashions are on display like never before. No Bono mullet though.

Joshua Tree 20th Anniversary Set

For the record: I was in 1st grade when U2 first released their masterwork The Joshua Tree. I was too busy at the time listening to NKOTB and hanging down at Fraggle Rock. I’ll never regret my time spent with Gobo and Wembly but I give thanks everyday that I got my music ear, ditched the New Kids and their ilk, and found the boys from Dublin.

Now this seminal album has been re-released in a 20th Anniversary edition.

You know what that means? I am officially old.