Stand Up

I’ve been awfully music heavy the last few days so I wanted to shake it up a little and catch everyone up on what’s been going on in my busy life.

I updated the links page with some of my favorite blogs.

I just finished my first summer at my new church. By the gace of God, I believe that it was a success. I have about 30 awesome teens who enjoying being together and who have a great habit of inviting their friends. The summer went by very, very quickly. I actually started on May 30th and before I knew it – August had arrived. I am currently trying to put together the fall calendar and I have a lock-in and a big cookout on the horizon. This week I’m visiting my students at school and getting achance to meet more of their friends. Today’s visit was a lot of fun. I love being a Youth Minister.

This coming Sunday I’m going to “the Dance.” That’s right, I’m stepping into the pulpit for Sunday morning worship assembly. It’s the big game! We have been going through Exodus 20 taking a fresh look at the Ten Commandments. I’ll be covering v. 15:

Thou shalt not steal.

I know a little bit about stealing. When I was a little elementary kid, I used to put gum on the end of wire hangers and steal quarters, nickels, and dimes out of the high school student’s lockers at my school for sodas. I might mention that this Sunday. Maybe.

Btw, I think the Ten Commandments sound a lot better in the King’s English but that’s just me.

Some books that you need to read right now:

Some albums that you need to hear right now:

I’ll leave you with this:

On your journey as a believer, questions automatically arise. Who am I and what is my calling? Am I called to be a deacon? Am I called to be a pastor? Am I called to be an evangelist, a fireman, or a retail salesperson? Am I called into counseling, sports medicine, or intercession? Paul let’s us know that those questions are good starting points for a young believer, but as you mature in your faith, the callings that once consumed you begin to diminish, and the sumreme calling to one thing becomes ever clearer. Whether you are annointed or not is no longer the motivaing drive of a mature individual. The motivating thing becomes: Am I tender toward the Lord? Am I moved when he comes near me? Instead of being consumed with numbers and results, ask yourself: Do I hunger for Him like I used to? Is my gaze still focused and my eyes still pure? Is my heart expanding in the understanding of this Man, Jesus? Paul’s exhortation is clear. As you mature in your faith, your pursuit of Jesus becomes more and more consuming.

Dwaye Roberts, One Thing

May you begin to ask yourself the deeper questions.


2 thoughts on “Stand Up”

  1. Hey Man, good to see you summer went well. Hey, add my blog to your links page.
    come by sometime and post. I would love to hear what you thought of impact vs. uplift.

    are you hittin NCYM in colorado this year?

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