Meeting God Without The Sunglasses

The other day I posted that I was reading Bono in Conversation with Michka Assayas by Michka Assayas. On that post, Beth commented that she was “quite astounded by his complete candor about his faith in the Assayas book.” I could’t agree more. Bono seemed more than willing to open up about his childhood, his family, and his causes. What stuck me more was that Bono could be speaking about the Sandanistas in South America or conversations that he had with his father and seemlessly transition into talk of the Spiritual. On top of that, he never falls into the televangelese of “JEEEEEE-SUS.” When he discusses a scripture reference or uses a biblical example he steers clear of beating his breast for shameless self-promotion by saying “Look at how spiritual I sound.” His words on faith just come out at any given moment in humility and earnestness. They are real and raw. When he is speaking about faith, Bono reminds me that the gospel is good news. It isn’t a weapon or an aurgument as much as it is a life giving story that should permeate our thoughts and pepper our outlook. Brian McLaren speaks of the gospel in terms of the daily paper. The paper has a daily section, a sports section, a religion, a buisness, and a world section. Instead of keeping the Trinity exclusively in the religious section, the Gospel has something to say in every section. The Gospel should interact with every facet of our society just as it inteacts with our heart, body, mind and soul.

I’ll post some of my favorite conversations later this week.