School Choice and the 1st Century

Very interesting article over at Out of Ur, the blog for Leadership Journal. I am a product of Christian education. I went to a private k-12 school as a kid, I graduated from a private 4 year college, and, for now, I work for a private k-12 school. It a real “circle of life” I guess. There are pros and cons of this kind of environment and I know that where I choose to send my kids has a lot to say about my theology and perspective on the world around me. I don’t have any children yet but the reality of where to send them when they reach school age is always on my mind.

The article Really Old School: What 1st Century Judaism Says About the Public/Private/Home School Dilemma looks at the four Jewish beleif systems that were vying for dominance in the first century: the Essenes, the Sadducees, the Zealots, and the Pharisees. The author compares these faith communities with modern day school choices: Homeschool, Public, and Private education.

Very good thoughts but sadly little follow through. It is worth the read though.


One thought on “School Choice and the 1st Century”

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