Event vs. Lifestyle pt. 2

So yesterday we looked at 3 mindsets that keep us trapped by the idea that serving others is merely an event to DO rather than a lifestyle to BE LIVED OUT!

One Time Event Perspective:
1) Serving Seems Like a Waste
2) Serving Can Be Scary
3) Serving Hurts

These mindsets limit us and shut our hearts off from true service. But what if we changed our perspective? What happens to our service/attitudes when we realize that we’re called to BE servants? What changes might we see?

Serving Has a Purpose
By framing service as a lifestyle we gain long-term perspective and our individual acts of service no longer seem wasted time or money. You begin to build relationships with those you serve and you can see small changes to their lives and situations (even if only incremental changes). Your serving does have a purpose! You are helping others. You are lifting others up. You are loving others! You are doing this all while glorifying God. Living a lifestyle of service shows others that you care for them and that you love them. This models the care, concern, and love of the Father. Serving has a purpose but you don’t always get to see it in the short-term.

Serving Becomes Natural
When things seem unnatural to us they automatically fall into the realm of scary. It is human nature to be afraid of the unknown or uncomfortable with the strange. When we serve once a year or every once in a while we don’t have time to get over our fears. One of the biggest fears we all have is being scared of things that we don’t feel like we are good at. Starting out, no one feels like they are good at serving. We are great at receiving service from others but carrying it out is another story. We become confident in tasks the more frequently we practice them. In AA they tell you to “Fake it til you make it.” I wonder if this advice will help us gain confidence in our service? The more you serve, the easier it becomes. The more you serve, the less you be afraid.

Serving Hurts
Yes, Serving Hurts was on the last list. However, when we only see serving as an event to check off our list serving only hurts our muscles, our bottom line, our time, and our pocket books. These are the only costs involved in event service- well, they are the only costs we care about. When you live a life of service though something else begins to hurt- your heart. As you come in contact with broken and hurting people your heart can’t help but hurt. When you look at the task before you and come to grips with your desire to make a difference your heart hurts. When you begin to see the world through the eyes of those that you serve your heart hurts. When it comes to changing your perspective about service I think about a prayer I once read. It said, “Father, may my heart break for the things that break your heart.”

When you pray that prayer get ready. You will no longer simply DO service. Your desire will no longer be for serving in the short term. You won’t be trapped by fear or apathy any more.

You’ll be changed. You will BE a servant.