Category Archives: Environmental Tech

Hot, Flat, & Crowded pt 1

I love living back in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. I mean L-O-V-E, love it.

It is great to be living in a place where I am afforded great opportunities to do neat things. Every band imaginable comes through town, there are wonderful festivals and community events every weekend, and there are ample opportunities to see and hear great voices.

Last night, I had the opportunity to hear Thomas Friedman, author of The World Is Flat speak at the University of Texas at Arlington. Friedman was speaking on his latest book, Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution- and How It Can Renew America. This isn’t a pithy commentary on recycling your Coke cans or hooking up your home with solar panels. This is a call to radically change the face of the planet by harnessing the imagination and innovation of 300 million Amercans to once again solve a giant “multi-generational” problem. We’ve done it in the past, Friedman argues, and we MUST do it again.

I’m still trying to process everything and I’m plowing through the book as we speak. Like his other books it is dense but extremely engaging and highly readable.

I hope to finish the book over the weekend and I’ll post my thoughts on it and the lecture early next week.