Book Review: Hero

Every man’s battle is not so much a fight for your purity as it is a fight for your manhood, a fight for who you are and who you intend to be. Sexual sin, then, is not your ticket into manhood after all- it’s your ticket out.

Fred Stroeker has co-authored some of the most well-received and challenging books on the market today. Along with Stephen Arterburn, the Every Man’s Battle series has been a game-changer and life saver for many men struggling for sexual purity in their relationships. Stroeker’s latest, Hero: Becoming the Man She Desires continues this challenge by focusing on single men and helping them take a stand for truth and purity in a world that makes it easy to compromise.

“You’re a greater man than I ever dreamed of being, Son.”
Hero is co-authored by Fred’s son, Jasen Stroeker. The opening chapters make it clear that Fred Stroeker is proud of his son – not because of anything Jasen has accomplished but because of the man he is. Jasen took a stand for his purity early in life and by the grace of God held on to it for dear life. How? Fred explains that the “secret” to living the pure life is that the true make of manhood is a “complete willingness to embrace social pain for a higher cause.”

Make no mistake this isn’t a call to martyrdom. This is the challenge for every aspect of being a disciple of Jesus Christ in every arena of life. We are to be different- no matter the cost, no matter the setting, no matter the issue. “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- his god pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

It’s Never Too Late To Demolish Your Strongholds
The Sroekers believe that there are a set of myths that the culture wants men to believe that lures them into sexual sin. These myths excuse behaviors and mindsets that lead to and trap men in sexual sin. They call them “Stronghold Myths” and the book features 9 of them. Some of these myths lead to chapters that seem right out of I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Others though are powerful and transformative. The strength of these myth-busting chapters lay in the fact that they are written from different perspectives. The chapter entitled “Her Desires” is co-written with the help of Jasen’s wife, Rose. Rather than have some dudes talk about women’s desires we get the perspective direct from a female source. I liked this aspect. The chapter “Sparks” finds Jasen and Rose listing ideas to help couples build chemistry together. Again, having chapters written from different perspectives was a nice touch that give the book a very personal feel.

Rethink What We’re Capable Of
So, who would benefit from reading Hero?

I think this would be a great book for a Father and Son reading. The back-and-forth between Fred and Jasen is a great feature of this book. I can see where Fred’s honesty about past mistakes could open a door of honesty between fathers and sons and Fred’s words of encouragement and admiration for his son could lead to that level of intimacy between fathers and sons. Fathers of teenage sons would definitely benefit from reading this with their boys.

Another group that could benefit from Hero would definitely be college age students. Whether a dorm room Bible study or a Sunday morning church group or a week night get together there is a ton of material to discuss and work through.

Hero is a great book and I would recommend it to any brother who wants to do the right thing- the heroic thing- and own his sexual purity for the glory of God.

Summary (from the publisher)
You already know it’s not easy being a single man in this culture today. But it is easy to be overwhelmed, to feel helpless and hopeless about living by God’s high standards for singles. It’s easy to cave in to the pressures of this sex-soaked world and accept defeat—blaming the media, the culture, even girlfriends who don’t know how tough it can be.

But many men have read books like Every Young Man’s Battle and Tactics and have committed themselves to stand strong and pure in the power of God, and to go on the offensive against the onslaught of negative stereotypes. Some have suffered. Some have fallen. But many have experienced victory—and you can be among them.

What makes those committed men so desirable to women? Be Her Hero is their motto. From best-selling author Fred Stoeker, along with his son Jasen, come the straightforward insight and real-life examples you’re looking for to help you take personal purity to its logical conclusion. Here’s straight truth with irrefutable evidence of what makes an ultimate hero to women who long for men of faith—men who stand by their convictions and make their world a safer and better place.

Are you ready to accept the challenge?

Buy HERO by Fred & Jasen Stoeker HERE

One thought on “Book Review: Hero”

  1. READING??? You’re not supposed to be READING!!! Poor poor Sandy…

    Great review Padre!

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