*Blink* It’s July

Can you believe that it is July already? I can’t. The summer is nearing the half-way point and I am already gearing up for the fall. I have been away from home for the past three weeks. I called the bank to see if I still had to pay the mortgage even though we didn’t use the house this month. They informed me that I still had to pay. Bummer.

I haven’t had time to update as often I would like this past month. Let’s play catch up.

3 States in 3 Weeks
On June 16 I flew out to Washington, DC. We arrived back home on Friday, June 22. At 6:30am the next morning we left for Ruidoso, New Mexico for our high school mission trip. The trip was a great success and I cherished the time I was able to spend with some of our high schoolers. We drove back to DFW on Wednesday, June 27 (Due to weather and our jonesing for some Chili’s we actually arrived at 12:30am Thursday morning) and were able to sit and rest for a full day! We left for Uplift in Searcy, AR on Saturday, June 30. After a great week of camp we returned safe and sound on Thursday, July 5. 3 weeks, 3 states. Whew!

Beep, Beep
So, as we cross into New Mexico I’m feeling pretty good. The trip has gone well and we have passed the halfway point. I feel like east NM looks a whole heck of a lot like west TX. It’s flat, dusty, and OH! A Road Runner has just walked out in front of the van. Ok it’s turning around. Not enough! Get out of the way!!! Is it is making eye contact with me? *dump-dah*

Yeah, I hit the state bird of New Mexico with our giant rental van.

For the second year I taught a class at Uplift. This year’s class was entitled Involvement, Ministry, and Leadership. Anytime I can talk about leadership issues I jump at the opportunity. As we were planning for the class we wanted the students to leave camp with an idea of what they were gifted in and how they were going to impact their ministries back at home. Later this summer I hope to post what we did for the class and I want to expand what I taught into some sort of eBook. If you are interested, drop me a line and I’ll put you on the list to receive a copy.

Metal-on-Metal action reminded me that I am a boy and that I love robots, explosions, rock ‘n roll, and Optimus Prime. Popcorn movie to the max!

Seriously- better than Spidey, Jack, and Shrek. It was so much fun that I want to see it again.

One thought on “*Blink* It’s July”

  1. Funny about the roadrunner… i shall now call you WIL.E.COYOTE. Did your van have ACME on it? did he say “beep,beep” when you hit him?

    Would love to read your material from uplift.

    Transformers… you are so right. awesome movie. I found myself literally crying two or three times, because when i played with them as kids, i wanted so bad for them to be real, and it was just amazing to see myself there, as a 7 year old, with optimus prime in my hand, just laughing and having a ball… great special effects, what a blessing.

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