Aha! Moments from Aha!

The Aha! Conference took place yesterday. The conference speakers were asked to submit a video describing their Aha! moment in ministry- the moment they got it or the moment when something worked or a moment when everything changed or became clear. Needless to say the day was filled with some great stories, practical teaching, and plenty of Aha! moments for those participating in this unique web conference. Below I have complied a small list of some of my favorite moments or quotes from the day. In the comment section feel free to post your Aha! moment. I want to hear from you!

Leadership Network’s next FREE web seminar is on May 19, 2010. Sage will follow the same format with the themelooking like it will focus on older and wiser leaders teaching and advising younger leaders. Should be a great event. I am very much looking forward to it!

Enjoy these Aha! Moments from yesterday’s conference:

  • “Most ministers burn out in ministry because they started out walking WITH Jesus and ended up working FOR Jesus.” – Pete Briscoe (I tweeted this quote yesterday and it was ReTweeted close to 10 times by others. Apparently this struck a nerve with a handful of people.)
  • “Are you secure enough to lead from your own skin?” Looking at 1Samuel 17:38– David refused Saul’s armor. “We are trying to fight the battle of ministry wearing other people’s armor (their style, personality, talents)” -Shawn Lovejoy
  • My Aha! moment was proceeded my an Ouch! moment when I heard God say “Why don’t you do (mission work) here? What about your neighbor. “Who are people in your natural path that you can bless today?” -Shelly Juskiewicz
  • Shelly also mentioned that Craigslist has a NEEDS section for locals in your community. What if the church began reading these NEEDS postings to reach out and serve people in the community?
  • How to motivate people- Lowest level: guilt/shame -> duty/responsibility. Moving up to vision/opportunity then to love & privilege. “What is celebrated gets repeated!” -Scott Ridout

Jon Ferguson’s 6 Coaching Questions:

  1. How are you? – relationship
  2. What are you celebrating? Where are you winning?
  3. What challenges are you experiencing?
  4. What do you plan to do to solve these challenges?
  5. How can I help you?
  6. How can I pray for you?
  • How can a small church in the middle of nowhere do this? Jesus.” -Chad Hunt
  • “My AHA! moment happened when I realized I could be (myself).” Two reasons why I shouldn’t compare myself to anyone else: 1) I will find someone who is better than me and I will be discouraged. 2) I will always find someone who is not doing as well as me and I will become prideful.- Ben Daily
  • Jorge Molina’s entire talk entitled “You Are NOT Good Enough” was simply incredible. Jorge came across with humility and grace and I am better for having listened to his talk. I should post his entire teaching notes. I’ll do that this weekend.
  • “What is one area of ministry that with better execution could become a signature in your ministry?” – Glen Brechner
  • “If someone had come to me personally and asked me specifically– I think I would have responded personally. – Greg Lee (I have had this convo off and on with a friend of mine recently.)