Cut To The Heart

Adam Ellis over at Adventures In Following Jesus had this to say about leadership today:

I am discovering that there is a fine line between being “a prophet” and self-appointed, useless living pseudo-martyr. I believe that being prophetic is a calling from God. I also believe that it is easy to lose your vision when circumstances aren’t exactly what you think they should be. When that happens, you can become consumed with frustration and self-pity. In this condition, and in the absence of vision, you lose the ability to influence. The tricky part is that a realization that “things aren’t as they should be” is necessary for one to be prophetic. Another component is an actual vision of how it could be…how it should be. However, these two things are simply not enough. As Andy Stanley points out, this simply makes you a dreamer, and dreamers can become increasingly despondent as they recognize the disparity between the “real world” and their dream. The prophets…the visionary leaders are the ones who are willing to pour their lives and resources into partnering with God into making that dream a reality. Without that momentum and focus, you become a despondent dreamer. Prophetic, Visionary leaders believe in the dream enough to put their lives behind it. People follow passion, not hopeless complaining. Lately I’ve caught myself trying to slip into the martyr role. God has used many people and Andy Stanley’s leadership books (I continue to be astounded at the wisdom in Stanley’s stuff. I know I may lose emergent cool points over that, but it remains true.), to show me that I was headed down that path and point me back to the path I need to be walking. Join the revolution.

I don’t know what prompted Adam to write this but I find great comfort and inspiration in his words. I am a huge Andy Stanely fan and I recently finished his latest book, It Came From Within. Truly fantastic. Thanks for your words Adam.

3 thoughts on “Cut To The Heart”

  1. oh no…..felker….its found you….SPAM COMMENTS!!!! but seriously it was good to hear from you today.

  2. I just wanted to give you props for having Hillsong United on your iPod. We just got the new London recording that Cheryl and I were at in October. Its great music!

  3. Kratzer-
    It was nice talking with you yesterday too.

    I am a big fan of United (their CDs always come with a DVD too. Score!) and I am majorly jealous that you guys worship at the UK campus.

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