Workout Wednesday 001

Last week I shared with you how I was recently diagnosed with diabetes T2 and that through exercise and diet I have been able to get a handle on the disease and see some success when it comes to my physical health. I shared my story because I also want to help and motivate others who may be struggling with their health – physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Each Wednesday I want to post something related to getting healthy in a weekly feature called Workout Wednesday.

To kick it off, I wanted to write a fun post about some of the things that I am currently using to help me at the gym. From equipment to workouts to gear check out these 5 Things That I Use to Workout and then tell me what you are using to get healthy in the comments before you leave.

Have a great day and get healthy!

5 Things That I Use to Work Out

1) The Machine

Last week I felt like I was in high school again. I lifted weights MWF and then ran/conditioned on TTh.

Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind…

Sorry, I’m back. I am in love with this machine. As you can see all of the weights are mounted to the side of the machine so no walking around trying to find the right plate. I can do all of my barbell exercises (squat, deadlift, clean, bench, overhead press) at this rack, Love, love, love it. So far when I’ve gone up to the gym to work out this corner has been empty so I proclaim this machine for me and my people. I need a flag.

2) The Tunes

You can’t work out with out music.

Well, you can… but at what cost? I believe in living.

3) The Chute

I’m a chugger. I don’t take sips. I’m not a bird. I’m a sashquatch except, despite what you may believe about me, I have a small mouth. In my zeal to remain hydrated more water can get on my shirt than in my body. That’s why I love my Camelbak Chute. Not only does the bottle fit in my car cupholder but the spigot on the lid is the perfect size for gulping down larger amounts of water fast.

Get you one: Camelbak Chute


4) The App

I haven’t lifted weights in over a decade. I knew that I wanted to add strength training to my running but I had know idea where to start. I was reading an article about training for an event I was interested in and I came across and the 5×5  workout. The site claims that this program is “the simplest workout to gain strength.” While it is too early to gage the truth of that entire statement I will say that this is a simple strength workout that puts you through the paces, is fun, engaging, and challenging. The idea is simple 3 workouts every other day, 5 sets or 5 reps. That’s it. The app helps you keep tabs on your progress, lets you watch training videos, and even gives you an audible prompt when it is time to quit resting between sets and get after it. In a few weeks, I should know if this program works but until then I am enjoying get back under the bar and pumping some iron.

Check out

The 5×5 Workout Plan

5) The Beard

I’m growing my beard out until I hit a particular weight goal I’ve set for myself. Now, I have no intention to become the TX cousin of Duck Dynasty. I will trim and taper and take care of the beard but I am keeping it until (at least) until I hit my goal. That means that I have to endure my little girl grabbing fistfuls of beard and yanking as hard as she can. I’ll have to tough out the heat in the coming months. I’ll also have to answer questions as to wether or not I dye it this color red (Thank You St Paddy’s Day). But you know what… I don’t mind any of it. Beards are sweet. Achievements are even sweeter.

What motivates you to workout or what are you currently using that has helped you stay in the game, break a sweat, or stay motivated?

I Once Was Blind…

But now I see.

On Saturday, January 31, I brought my kids with me up to the building so that I could get some last minute things prepared for Sunday services. I put a movie on for them in the auditorium and noticed that the image wasn’t very clear. It was fuzzy, out of focus.

I didn’t really give it much thought. Maybe my allergies were acting up? Perhaps I had moved the projector out of focus?

On Sunday (Feb 1) though, the images on the screen remained blurry during our worship time. I asked a half dozen people if the screen looked ok to them. I was the only one who thought it was hazy. I could still read my notes from my iPad and I was able to read from my Bible though. I just figured that I was tired or my eyes were dry. Little did I know that that was the last time I would be able to see much of anything for at least another 3 weeks.

My vision started to deteriorate day by day. By the following Thursday, I couldn’t see faces clearly beyond about 4 feet. I went to my eye doctor that day and he changed my prescription and ordered me some new glasses.

That night I decided that I should no longer drive at night. On Saturday, I gave my keys to my wife and decided that I could no longer drive during the day.

Sunday (Feb 8), I delivered the hardest sermon of my life. I couldn’t see the faces of the congregation. I could (sort of) read from my notes but anything beyond my stand was completely unrecognizable. I tried to watch the Grammys that night but I couldn’t tell who was singing what. In a matter of about 6 hours I had lost most of my vision and I was trapped in a world of blur. That’s when a panic began to flood over me.

What was happening? What was wrong with me? 

On the following Tuesday (Feb 10) I was able to see an ophthalmologist. After looking at my vision, he sent me to get some blood work done. The results would not come back for another couple of days. In the meantime, I was able to get into my doctor’s office (an even longer story) to see his PA and get some other tests run.

On Friday morning (Feb 13), the ophthalmologist called me with the results of the test. It was not good.

“You’re blood sugar levels are 698. You need to see your doctor immediately!”

Wait… what!?! 698?! How can that even be possible? 

I should have been in a coma… or worse. Thankfully, I was able to see my doctor that afternoon where he told me the news… “You have type-2 Diabetes.”

They gave me a glucose monitor and some medication and sent me home.

I was devastated but determined. 

Devastated that I had let this happen. Determined to do something about it. 

Over the next week I was able, through diet changes, exercise, and medication, to bring my sugars back into normal ranges. My eyesight slowly returned  as everything in my body turned back to normal.

In fact, in the last 2 two weeks my eyesight has been completely restored. I am no longer taking any medications and my blood sugar numbers remain in the normal ranges.

I’m eating better, have lost a little weight, and I am working out every single day. I’m still processing what happened and thankful that God was watching over me, providing me with love and support, and guiding me to the right people who could help.

Here’s what I’m learning through this:

1) Health is Wholistic.  It was’t enough that I was running if my diet was in the toilet. If your ignoring your emotional health it will have an impact on your spiritual and physical health. You have to fight for health in every area of your life.

2) I am loved. I had so many people praying for me, checking up on me, caring for me, and helping me. On the days I could drive, friends and family drove me to work or to the doctor. Even though I couldn’t read them 9at the time), I was blessed by every message and text. When you are going through a difficult time, knowing you are loved can make all the difference.

3) The Power of Small Change. While it may seem that I have had to completely overhaul my lifestyle in a matter of a few weeks, the truth is that I have leveraged small changes for big results. In stead of working out every other day or so, I’ve added one workout a day. Instead of drinking sodas, I’ve changed to water. Instead of junk food, I’ve eaten more vegtables (which I loved more than sweets even before this). Don’t be overwhelmed by everything that you may have to change. Just change something… now.

So this is my new normal. I’ll eat a salad for lunch. I’ll see a dietician today to get some more insight into how I can better take care of myself. I’ll hit the treadmill later tonight.

I just wanted to bring everyone up to date with what’s been happening. Kicking at the Darkness has always been about helping me share and process what’s going on inside and around my life. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to share this with you today.