Save the Music. Save the World.

The World Needs Your Help

Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has asked her supporters for some advice.

She has asked them to vote for a campaign song. Her husband had Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop” back in the ’90s and she is looking for the perfect song to help energize the campaign trail from now until November…2008. 20 Months From Now!!!

There’s just two problems: Both “City of Blinding Lights” and “Beautiful Day” by U2 are in the running. In fact, “COBL” is currently at the top of the list. Brothers and Sisters, this should not be.

I, for one, do not want to hear either one of these songs thumping from convention center speakers as Mrs. Clinton tries to be all things to all people. Sincere songs should be attached to sincere people. I can’t hear that old Fleetwood Mac song without thinking of the ’92 campaign trail. Will two of my favorite U2 songs be resigned to the same fate? Something needs to be done!

So here’s what I am asking YOU to do:

Go to and cast a vote for any of the other songs. I don’t care which one you vote for. I don’t care if your a Dem, a GOP supporter, or member of the Whig party. Vote for any of the other songs.

Then, tell everyone you know to do the same.

There are some great choices on the list:
“Right Here, Right Now” by Jesus Jones
“Ready to Run” by The Dixie Chicks
“Get Ready” by The Temptations
“I’m a Believer” by SmashMouth

Please help me out on this.

Together we can make a difference.

Much Better

Zondervan took a giant step forward last fall in their marketing of the TNIV line by releasing the TNIV Study Bible. However, if you tried to find it on you would have come up short in your pursuit.

To put it succinctly, the TNIV web site was terrible. It was ugly. It was devoid of the newest products. It was the opposite of a user-friendly Bible website that introduces a new translation and invites the early adopters and readers into the world of that particular translation.

Now is much better-not perfect- but much, much better.

The all-new is up and running. You can check out samples of the different Bibles including the Study Bible and the Bible Experience. You can search your favorite verse. You can even buy a TNIV of your very own.

I would recommend the Study Bible but you might want to wait until September when Zondervan will release the TNIV Reference Bible.

Now, if Zondervan could just get their main site to play well with Safari…

For a great all-inclusive site on everything TNIV, check out TNIV Truth.