Much Better

Zondervan took a giant step forward last fall in their marketing of the TNIV line by releasing the TNIV Study Bible. However, if you tried to find it on you would have come up short in your pursuit.

To put it succinctly, the TNIV web site was terrible. It was ugly. It was devoid of the newest products. It was the opposite of a user-friendly Bible website that introduces a new translation and invites the early adopters and readers into the world of that particular translation.

Now is much better-not perfect- but much, much better.

The all-new is up and running. You can check out samples of the different Bibles including the Study Bible and the Bible Experience. You can search your favorite verse. You can even buy a TNIV of your very own.

I would recommend the Study Bible but you might want to wait until September when Zondervan will release the TNIV Reference Bible.

Now, if Zondervan could just get their main site to play well with Safari…

For a great all-inclusive site on everything TNIV, check out TNIV Truth.