Walk On Revisited

I just picked up the revised edition of Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2 by Steve Stockman. Right off the bat I noticed the added thickness and beautiful blue cover. There stands Bono dressed in black leather staring into the sky. The audience, with thier hands raised, look like they stepped right off a Hillsong worship album. Church is underway.

I was not planning on reading the book until school started in the fall. Alas, I could not resist.

I am in Searcy, AR for an administrator’s confrence. This is where I went to university. I spent most of my time in a small coffee shop called Midnight Oil instead of studying. I believe in not letting school get in the way of one’s education! So, instead of heading back to my hotel I stopped in for old time’s sake.

I pulled out my iPod and listened to Elevation as I read the foreward. Written by Steve Beard, the forward contained a couple of great nuggets.

(U2’s) lyrics unfold a world beyond the things that can be merely seen and rationally grasped. The music is not a simplistic mish-mash of yummy lyrics about skipping with Jesus through the fields of daisies. Instead, their songs wrestle with pain and frustration without catering to hopelessness.

Stockman does a tremendous service to those who follow Jesus, as well as those who aren’t traveling the path. To those who count themselves among the faithfull, Stockman will help you open the eyes of your soul to intellectually and spiritually engage the music that touches the deepest part of what it means to be human. To those who do not consider themselves believers, this book will go a long way in helping explain why U2’s music seems to scratch an unidentifiable itch. (xiii)

That’s all for now. I’m in the middle of listening to Boy as I prepare for chapter one. Go pick up this book!