Top 5: Study Tools


Happy New Year everyone! It is the first week of 2011 and I couldn’t be more excited. The last two months have been a real challenge for me. In December, I began preaching each week during the minister transition at our church. I’ll be preaching for the whole month of January as well. For today’s Top 5 list I have decided to post about my five best friends over the last few weeks- my study tools. Let’s get to know these guys little better.


This is a picture of my ESV Study Bible. The ESVSB is no joke. It’s huge and chock full of great study notes, outlines, essays, and beautiful maps. I primary use two study bibles to help prepare my lessons and classes. Besides the ESVSB, I rely pretty heavily on my TNIV Study Bible. Both of these Bibles are great and I would recommend either one of them in a heartbeat. A Study Bible is a must-have study tool for me.


When I purchased my iPad back in August I figured I would use it for two things: a) as a tool to preach from and b) a device to read from. Little did I know that my iPad would allow me to do so much more. Here is a quick run-down on how I typically use my iPad each and everyday.

I upload a copy of my sermon presentation into Keynote for the iPad and carry it and a bible into the pulpit with me each Sunday. I also use it when I teach my small group Bible study at my house. Using either the Kindle book app, YouVersion Bible app, or my own notes that I have loaded into Pages for iPad the iPad is flexible enough to meet my teaching needs.

I use NoteTaker and a stylus to write (by hand) notes for classes, bible studys, meetings, or sermons.

I use Pulse to gather all of the blogs that I read into one place so i can read them offline later in the day.

I use the Facebook and Twitter apps to keep up with my teens and friends.


My dad got me these Beats by Dre for Christmas two years ago and they have been my constant companions since then. The headphones allow me to concentrate on what I’m reading or listening to. When I read I typically have some music going but they have proven to be my favorite headphones to listen to podcasts with. Plus, I look super cool- at least I think I look cool.


The reading experience on my Kindle is second to none. When I read on my iPad I get easily distracted- “Oh, let me research that. I have to check my email. Let me download this other book. Angry Birds!!!” On my Kindle, all I do is read and I love it!!! There are a lot of e-readers out there now. The Kindle is the best.


Let’s get this out of the way- Yes, I keep my pens in a pocket protector. Big whoop! I gots to have my pens ready and easily accessible. Here are the instruments that I rely on:

Highlighters: Zebrite Bible Highlighters
Stylus: Pogo by Sketch
Writing Pen: Pilot G-2 0.38 (I like to write thin and small)
Bible Pen: Micron Archival Ink 01