Top 5 Reasons I Blog

To mark our 5th Anniversary of the blog I thought I would share with you the Top 5 Reasons I Blog. Enjoy!

  1. Digital Journal- My blog is a digital journal where I can collect thoughts, ideas, web links, news stories, events, and pop culture touchstones. Some days I can blog the lyrics to a song or write about my favorite tv show. Other days I can post a review of a book I’ve read or meditate on some scripture that is feeding my soul. Welcome to my digital journal.
  2. Pontificate- Those of you who personally know me can attest to the fact that I love to talk. It was once foretold (when I was a mere child) that I would grow up to be either a lawyer or a preacher. On the blog I get to be both and everything in between.
  3. Develop My Writing- This is obviously a work in progress. I started my blog to help me develop some skills as a writer. It is my hope to one day publish a book and the blog helps me think through the elements of writing in a way that is both practical and public. Learning to write for an audience has been a great challenge for me. Thanks for being part of my experiment.
  4. Connect With Others- Since starting the blog I have had the opportunity to meet with other bloggers at conferences, I’ve been invited to write for a few publications, and I have been able to correspond with a few of my favorite authors. Blogging has been a great way to connect with other people, new ideas, and different communities.
  5. It’s Fun- I get a great sense of satisfaction when I publish a post. Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to write a post and sometimes it takes me a week to churn out a post. Regardless, I enjoy preparing, writing and publish content on this blog. Most hobbies come and go. I’ve been doing this for over 5 years now. It has been a fun, fun endeavor. Thanks for coming along on the journey!