Top 10: Books of 2010 pt. 2

I read approximately 50 books in 2010- a record for me. Most often, I  limit my reading to books about best practices, theology, and church leadership. I’m pretty picky about what I read so I usually enjoy and learn from nearly every book I dive into. That makes writing a list about my favorite books of the year really hard for me. I don’t feel like I can pick just 10! Regardless, here is part 2 of my Top Books of 2010:

The Land Between by Jeff Manion
No other book blessed me as personally as this one did. A friend recommended it to me to help me work through a time of transition I was experiencing. We were moving, things changing at work, we were adjusting to a toddler. Things seemed more hectic than usual and I was looking for a way to navigate the chaos. This book was the perfect solution. When we experienced the miscarriage, I had finished this book the day before. I may not have known why I was recommended this book by my friend but God knew. Consider The Land Between a roadmap for your walk through the wilderness. I cannot recommend this book enough!

The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeshel
I heard Craig preach a series of sermons that eventually became this book and I was wreaked. The premise is that there are many Christians who say they believe in Jesus but live as though He doesn’t exist. Boom!

The Grace of God by Andy Stanley
Andy Stanley teaches about grace. That sentance right there would be enough for me to run out and buy 8 copies.

The Year of Living Like Jesus by Ed Dobson
After read this book, I attempted to live as Jesus lived for one month- eating kosher, observing the Sabbath, and wearing sandals. Just a warning before you pick this up for some light reading.

Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
Get an inside peak at the founder of Zappos and get caught up in his leadership and enthusiasm for his work, his love for those around him, and his passion for changing the world.