
Last night I sort of awoke at about 2:15am from a very deep sleep. Apparently I was sleeping so hard and so deeply that I had become dehydrated because I stumbled into the kitchen and downed an entire bottle of VitaminWater. After about the third gulp I was fully awake and amazed at my new found ability to guzzle.

It has been a long since I had felt that thirsty.

When I got back into bed, my wife sprung to her feet and announced that she needed some water too. Apparently dehydration is contagious.

2 thoughts on “Thirsty”

  1. dehydration IS contagious.
    especially when your drinking mo-n-ade
    I hope we can thirst for God that way today.

    Drink your fill bro, drink deeply, till your cup runneth over.

    pray for the mexicans hit by dean this week.

  2. Ah, mo-nade! How I miss it.

    Standing there in the light of the open refridgerator door I thought the same thing. You’re right, I hope we thirst for righteousness in that way- everyday.

    Thanks for the thoughts brother.

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