The Call

I’ve been preparing and studying this week for a series on the Sermon on the Mount I’m calling The King’s Speech. We will kick it off this Sunday and to be completely honest, I don’t think I have ever been this excited about a teaching series before. I can’t wait to share what I feel God has been teaching me about what it means to live in His Kingdom and under His rule through the power of His Son.

I’ve uncovered some amazing similarities between King George VI’s speech at the beginning of Britain’s involvement in WWII (made famous most recently by Oscar winner Colin Firth and the film), Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, and the Sermon on the Mount that I want to share with you here on the blog. However, there is something that I want to just marvel at for today.

Matthew 5-7 is where you can find what we have traditionally called The Sermon on the Mount.

When was the last time you read this and stopped to remember: These are the words of The Son of God. Jesus spoke these words to call us to live within his Kingdom. These are the Words to Life. This is Truth. These words lead to real life now and eternal life in the presence of the Almighty.

It has been this realization and intentional observation that has made all this difference for me this week as I have studied and sought God’s direction and instruction for my life.

Take some time today to read through Matthew 5-7 and marvel at the words of Jesus. Imagine he is speaking directly to you. He is calling you to choose Life.

Will you accept or refuse His call?