The Bat-Man

In a matter of minutes I will unshakle myself from this desk, jump in the car with my wife, and drive to the local multi-plex to experience Batman Begins. Batman is, by far and away, my favorite superhero and I am looking forward to Chris Nolan’s interpretation of the Dark Knight.

In 1992, a CNN camera crew caught yours truly waiting in line for Batman Returns in the hot, humid Texas sun. (It was the first movie I went to without a parent.) I doubt CNN or FoxNews or even MSNBC will be there today to document this screening.

For more Bat-info, check out’s 40 Things You Must Know About Batman. There are alot of interesting tidbits including #24:

Batman almosts: Mel Gibson, Alec Baldwin, Pierce Brosnan and Charlie Sheen were Michael Keaton’s rivals for the titular role in Batman; Tom Hanks was the studio’s first choice to replace Keaton in Batman Forever

I can’t imagine Tom Hanks as Batman. Can you?

40 Things You Must Know About Batman