That’s a Shame

Earlier today I tried to download a demo for a program designed to help youth ministers manage their ministries. The program tells ministers that their software will help them track attendance, events, money, birthdays and help them follow up with visitors.

Sounds promising.

So I registered with their website and clicked download. OOOPS! The program is PC only.

I run a Mac. So do a few other youth ministers.

“No big deal,” I thought. I’ve gotten by thus far without this product so I moved on with my day.

Seriously, not 5 minutes later my phone rings. It is customer service with this program. They were wanting to chat me up about their product. I informed them that I was unable to run their program because I don’t have a PC.

The following is a direct quote from their customer service lady (best read with the voice of the secretary from “Ferris Bueller”)

“Oh, you don’t have a PC? That’s a shame!”

No, no it’s not.

No what is a shame is that the instructions on your CD-rom from 2007 tell people to:

Click Start.
Click Run.
In the run dialog box, type (CD drive letter):Setup
Then Enter.

Wow. Ever heard of Autorun? That’s a shame!

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