Most. Productive. Friday. Ever.

Fridays. Everybody loves them but they aren’t usually very productive. On most Fridays I spend the bulk of the day tying up loose ends and making sure that everything is ready for Sunday. As a basic rule I usually don’t start anything new. I don’t like plowing new soil at the end of the week. Today, I did some plowing.

After over-sleeping by about 10 minutes, I was a little frazzled when I came into work. I checked my email and read the news while I ate my breakfast (I’ve been on a yogurt kick). After that I was all buisness until lunch.

I had planned on confirming the location of the fall retreat and settling on all the costs. I finished that before 9:30. so I moved on to writting the informational letter to mail out to my students. That only took me to 9:45am. Before I left for lunch I had finished the retreat schedule, written two sessions, completed the power-points for those two sessions, contacted the t-shirt guy, and completed the medical release/permission slip. Whew!

Then I had lunch with my wife. Googly eyes over fajita chicken tacos. Very productive!!!!

After lunch I returned to the office and discussed the t-shirt art work more fully. I can’t wait to see his proposal.

Then I made huge strides in my curriclum development. I even got a chance to talk with one of my deacons about my plans.

After that it was off to the bank to deposit my check. There was nobody in line at 5pm on Friday afternoon. I felt like I had won the lottery!!!!

At 5:30pm I went to see one of my students play JV Volleyball. They won.

Then it was off to the Varsity football game to watch a couple of our girls preform in the color gaurd. They did great.

Now I’m blogging this. It is time for bed but Foster’s is about to come on! What to do? What to do?

Have a great weekend.