Hello From Texas

Hello all! I am here in Dallas, TX visiting family and friends.

I hope everyone enjoyed Live8 today. The telecasts were less than desirable often playing half of a song and then 8 commercials. Oh, well. Maybe the DVD will find its way into my stocking come this Christmas.

Have a great 4th. Remember: In the kingdom, independance is for all!


6 thoughts on “Hello From Texas”

  1. I have two questions you might can answer. I’ve looked everywhere for the answers but were unable to find them. Once you read my questions, you’ll see how easy these questions are to answer, probably.
    1. You mentioned a DVD. Will there really be one? And if so, will it feature the full-length songs?
    2. Madonna did two songs: “Ray of Light” and another. What was the title of the other?
    I thank you in advance for answering these, even if you cannot answer them. In addition, I was disappointed in the broadcast. It was pretty abyssmal.

  2. i gots to agree with you felker…..the coverage was bad….but i got chills seeing u2 and paul McCartney….oh yeah that and coldplay and that guy from the verb. Same question though, ids there going to be a dvd? Gimme a call or email me.

  3. Figured out the song. “Like a Prayer.” Anyways, I forgot to mention Green Day. What an awful rendition of “We Are the Champions.” I almost cried at the butchery that was taking place. But Pink Floyd saved it all. They sounded better live than they did/do on their albums. I was happy. But if you get any more info on the DVD, I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

  4. YES! The coverage was horrible on TV, I did catch some of it on my XM radio of course, thanks for the DVD info.

    By the way, cool site. I like the new move. 🙂

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