Get Back 4- My Daughter

Good morning Sweetheart,

You have been a wonderful addition to our family. I say addition, but it seems like you have always been a part of our family. Over the last 2 months it has been an absolute joy getting to know you and learn about who you are.

You are a night owl- Just like Daddy! When 10pm rolls around, you get your second wind. You come alive at night. If this trend continues I can see a lot of late night father-daughter adventures in our future.

You are strong- You are already lifting your head and turning your head to looking at the world around you. You are waving your arms and pushing to stand up when you sit in our laps. You are a strong little girl!

You are beautiful- I know, I know. Every daddy says that his little girl is beautiful but I mean it. Your eyes are big and blue and you look and study everything around you. Your smile is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.

Your mother and I have something even greater hopes and dreams for you and the life you will live.

We have a vision for who we want you to be. We have a vision for who God wants you to be.

Our prayer for you is that you will…

Become a young woman of noble CHARACTER. We want you to understand that moral strength, honor, and integrity are priceless commodities in a world obsessed with the superficial.

Bring GOOD to those closest to you. You have within you the capacity to build others up or destroy them completely with your thoughts and actions. Choose to bring life and to add value to everyone you meet.

WORK HARD for yourself and those you love. Most people feel they are entitled to receive everything their heart desires. This is a terrible way to live. True independence and service is born from a heart that chooses to do the right things and to pay the price. When you rely on someones else to give you things you become their slave. Achieve for yourself and care for those who may be unable to help themselves.

Seek after WISDOM. This world will try to teach you that all anyone cares about is what you are wearing, what color your hair is, who is sporting the latest trend, and who is dating whom. Ignore all of this. Seek first the Kingdom of God. Understand that you are a real princess- the daughter of the King of the Universe. The kingdoms, malls, gossip houses, and tv studios of this world will pass away. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ will last forever.

Sweetheart, your mother and I love you so much and we want the best for your life. You have been a wonderful gift from God and I never want you to forget that. I will do my best to teach you and your brother the things I know God wants for your lives each and every day.

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. – Proverbs 31:29–30 NIV11

I love you sweet girl!

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