Digital Music Revolution

Shnikes! I agree with Mark Cuban! Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks, has written a great tech triste on the death of the CD. Over the past year many have been pontificating about the death of the album. Cuban takes the argument and moves it ahead. His idea of “music kiosks” excites me and his vision of the music sections in Best Buy evolving to meet the needs of the MP3 player is dead on!

I am a frequent iTunes user. While I do miss the experience of heading down to the store, tearing open the case, and pouring over the liner notes and the disc art I enjoy this new digital experience. Both Jack Johnson’s “In Between Dreams” and the Complete U2 digital boxset came with liner notes (.pdf files). This may be just me, but I feel that on some level iTunes is a community. You see what others ar buying and listening to. You can browse user submitted iMixs of individual’s playlists. I loved the old experience and I am loving the new. Instead of complaining about the new medium, Mark Cuban engages it full steam. Maybe he’ll send me the seed money to start one of these kiosks.

Mark Cuban
Via Jordon Cooper