Category Archives: Guilty Pleasure

Chili, A Roaring Fire, and A Good Movie

With the threat of ice and freezing rain tonight, we decided to spend the evening at home curled up on the couch in front of a nice, warm fire. Sandy cooked some awesome chili and we watched possibly the best movie I’ve seen in a long while.

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre was on TCM tonight and we loved every minute of it. Bogart was perfect as Fred C Dobbs, a would be gold prospector who slowly decends into greed and madness. Not only was it a great movie but I also found out where the famous “We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!” comes from. What a great movie.

I would love to host a Film and Theology at our church geared toward 20-30 somethings. Watching films and discussing them through a theological lense could be a great way to spend an evening. Sierra Madre and Citizen Kane are two classic films that you could start with. Pair them with a study of Ecclesiasties and you’ve got yourself a lot to think about.

Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
and what I had toiled to achieve,
everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
nothing was gained under the sun.

If you’ve seen either one of these films you can see how Solomon’s words could easiy be spoken by a number of different characters in Kane or Sierra Madre. I think “chasing after the wind” still goes on today. It is almost as if there is nothing new under sun!?!?! Almost. Just some thoughts for this cold, wet Saturday night.

Stay warm out there everybody. Peace.

I’m Bad. Just Not That Bad.

A reader of Entertainment Weekly wrote the following letter about their fiance’s obsession with digital music.

I used to wonder how my husband-to-be had more than 700 music CDs and more than 300 movie DVDs and hundreds and hundreds of record albums until I discovered that he had $43,000 in credit-card debt. In looking at his last bill (for one month) he had charged more than 8,000 iTunes at 99 cents each and had charges at places that sell music and movies, too. This guy made $45,000 a year. Called off the wedding. — Susan P.

What!?!?!?!? $8,000 dollars worth of music? In one month?!?!?!?!?!? Shnikies!

I felt bad over the summer when I bought 3 albums in one month. I cannot imagine what this guy purchased. He must have downloaded the Dylan Digital Box Set and the Complete Works of Menuto. Wow!
