Category Archives: GNC

7 Days and Counting

guncam.jpgI spent most the morning and this afternoon at one of the local high schools talking about the Global Night Commute happening in Arlington next Friday.

I am so excited about this event and as the date draws closer more and more people are beginning to show interest in joining us.

If you have not seen the documentary Invisible Children please do so now but be advised: You will be changed forever!!!

In 2003, three college students traveled to Africa with a video camera and a desire to see and to capture on film what was happening in Africa. The story that they uncovered is one of an abhorant warlord who abducts children to fight in his illeagal war. Since 1987, thousands upon thousands of children have been abducted, tortured, and forced to kill in the Lord’s Resistence Army led by Joeseph Kony. The atrocities that these children are forces to endure are too numerous to count. It is truly heartwrenching.

Invisible Children shows how children walk miles every night so that they can sleep in large, public places where the will be safe from Kony and his child soldiers. Every night they walk into the cities and then every morning they walk back to their homes.

This apparently has been happening for 20 years. It is past time for it to end.

Last year’s Global Night Commute saw 80,000 students from all around the country march into cities to sleep in parks and on the steps of government buildings to hightlight the night commuter problem in N. Uganda.

This year it is our turn.

I am so proud of my students who saw the film and asked, “What can we do to help?” they have taken this issue to heart and made it their own.Way to go!!!

If you live in the DFW area and want to join us next Friday drop me a line.

Arlington Night Commute Event