Back in the Big D

I’m back home after spending Monday and Tuesday in Searcy at an Uplift meeting. I grew up going to Uplift every summer and while interning and in college I was able to be a counselor for the camp. Last year, I was excited about coming full circle by getting the opportunity to teach one of the encounter classes.

This year the Uplift team invited all of the teachers from each of the three sessions for a brainstorming meeting. Uplift got to explain to all of the ministers about the theme and their vision for what they hope to accomplish over the summer. I am teaching a leadership class during third session. Both the first and second session teachers were there and we spent a good 3 hours tweaking, dreaming, and exploring our topic and curriculum. I was really great. I left the meeting excited and challenged. I am a certian that was the case for everyone there.

I had a blast catching up with friends and swapping stories from my time at Harding. I also got to catch up with a few former students who are experiencing “dead week” in preparation for their exams. I walked around Hasting’s and drank a Mr. Blonde from Midnight Oil while I was there. It was a good trip.

It is good to be back home though.