
Today marks the first anniversary of and the second anniversary of my initial foray into the blogosphere. The theme that I have been running over the last few weeks is what the blog looked like one year ago. Over the last two years I have enjoyed this curious habit. It is fun, challeging, and theraputic. During this brief time I have reconnected with old friends (awesome), made some new friends (cool), made some people angry (D’oh!), and learned alot about myself and writing for a mass audience (all 4 of you). Thank you for journeying with me thus far. Over the next week or so I will be making some announcements and changes that are currently affecting my life and my ministry. These exciting changes are right around the corner and I want to keep you all in the loop.

If you are a regular reader, Thank you. Thank you for putting up with my spelling and poor grammar. Thank you for enduring every single post on U2 or Bono. Thank you for your encouragement and your support. Thank you.

5 thoughts on “Anniversary”

  1. Oh, I thought this was exclusively a U2 and Bono fan site. My mistake! Congratulations on your anniversary. I enjoy checking in on you and seeing what’s happening. Keep it up. Somebody’s reading!

  2. I’ve gotcha bookmarked too 🙂 – and for the record, I love the U2 & Bono news, though I’m more a DMB fan.

  3. Felkee…..(yes i meant to say felkee)….you are my hero, even though you never responded to my email.

  4. Kratzer-
    I did email you last week dude.

    Kickingatthedarkness (at)

    BTW Did you see that you can get “Tom Sawyer” from Rush30 on your iPod from iTunes?

  5. Micheal,

    Make no mistake, many in an undisclosed location are reading and watching to see where could be better than Utopia!

    Best wishes.

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