A Little Honesty

Last week I sounded off on one of my pet peeves:Rude people at the movies.

In an effort to hold myself accountable I am offering up this sad revelation about my behavior at the movies.

My cell phone started ringing in the middle of the movie last night.

There, I said it.

I was humiliated. I had broken a cardinal rule. I always turn my phone off. Always. I tried to silence it as quickly as I could but I was all thumbs. I finnaly cut it off and sat there feeling completely awful.

The fact that my wife and I were two of the four people in the theatre and the fact that the battle raging on the screen muffled the sound of my cell phone brought me little comfort.

I’m sorry old man in the middle and old lady on the front row. I hope that I didn’t ruin you evening.

2 thoughts on “A Little Honesty”

  1. No worries, it happens to the best of us. At least your moral compass drove you to mute the ringer when it started ringing. I can’t stand it when people pull out their phone…. stare at it…. check their caller ID… and then don’t answer and stick the phone back in their pocket… STILL RINGING!

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