Circle Up

This week we I am kicking off a brand-new sermon series called, The Prayer Circle. This series is inspired by a great book called The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson.

Since reading this book last December, I have been challenged to be more SPECIFIC in my prayer, to pray with more CONFIDENCE, to pray THROUGH the difficulties in life, and to pray FOCUSED, with laser intensity, on God’s will.

This Sunday’s message will focus on being specific in your prayers. While I will talk about the Battle of Jericho and Jesus’ interaction with two blind men in Matthew 20, I will also focus on John 15-17. Jesus tells us that he is the true vine and invites us to remain in him and he will sustain us. In the High Priestly prayer, Jesus specifically names his disciples in his prayer- both those that were with him in life and those who will believe in him because of the Good News.

One thing I have really learned about being specific in my prayers is that being vague and unspecific in prayer can cause us to become bored and listless in our prayer lives.

In prayer, we are bring our family members, friends, neighbors, leaders, and lives before the God that hears us and has the power to intercede and change us. When it comes to prayer, Jesus is asking us the same question he posed to the two blind men, “What do you want me to do for you?”

Will you trust and believe enough in him to take whatever is on your heart before him in prayer? Be specific and don’t hold back.