Cutting It Off

I am a few days into a 40 day fast.

I’m not fasting entirely from food but I am fasting from one particular facet of my diet that, in all honesty, has ruled my life for far too long.

My head hurts. My body aches. I am struggling to focus.

I am still waiting for that “clarity” that many people talk about during their fasts. I am ready for these headaches to end.

I have to remind myself that I am dedicating this time to God. This isn’t a “my-life-will-be-healthier-without-X-in-my-life” pursuit (no matter what my wife says). No, this is pursuit after God and a greater reliance on Him and His ways.

It hasn’t been the greatest week but I do find myself meditating a little more. I have been more conscious of my surroundings and I’ve taken more time mulling over my words.

When I see and desire the thing that I’ve given up (And this stuff is ubiquitous! It’s everywhere!!!) I am finding myself thinking of my promise which in turn reminds me of His promises and his faithfulness.

It hasn’t been easy but I didn’t expect it to be.

Regardless, I am in hot pursuit of delving a little deeper in my walk. In that regard it has been a great week.

If you want to join me I’ll be fasting through Oct 14th (It’s a little over 40 days). Drop me a line if you’re interested.